Weekend in Review!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Hellooooo friends! I hope you had a lovely weekend! Around here.. we did both.. take it easy and did some household stuff. It would have been nice to stay in all weekend but we couldn't do that.. and husby had to work all day Saturday anyway. 

It snowed Saturday a little... the kitty cats love watching it! 

I stayed warm inside

before long.. the sun came out and melted the snow..which was nice! 

Check out the cool effect I did with the fish eye option on my camera.. pretty neat! =)

It was warm enough Cooper went outside to play some.. and God knows he needs to get rid of energy! 

Scott got home around 7 which was nice.. it was late but earlier than most nights. I already had things going for dinner...

I love the pretty tulips in the middle of the table...

I was serving a comforting but easy meal.. 

which I videoed because it was so easy to make.. and again.. it will totally feed a crowd. 

And it looks pretty. I roasted up potatoes with onions in the oven and served it around the ham steaks. 

It wasn't long after dinner that husby and I laid back to watch a movie together. Jackson came in and took this picture.. 

I was tired.. and ended up staying up later than I should have. But I got a hot bath and in bed I went.. and thankfully the entire house slept in. I got up early.. had some coffee.. let the dog out.. and then right back to bed. 

Sunday had arrived...

Once I got up for the 2nd time.. I stayed up. I fixed myself a yummy cafe mocha with hot coffee.. mocha coffee creamer.. and used the method I told you about here!! And then I drizzle some chocolate and sometimes caramel over the top.  To make it look cute just use a toothpick and swirl it around a couple times. 

I think Scott gets a little jealous at how good my coffee looks. He won't drink it.. I think because its not so manly but I think he takes sips when I walk around the room!! Your not getting this at a gas station.. thats for sure.. and its so easy to make! Normally my first cup of coffee is black with a lot of sugar but my second is much better! 

After we all woke up and got cleaned up we were out the door to run errands and go to the market. 

I put on very little make up and out the door I went. I didn't really care and neither did Scott. We were going  out comfy. 

It was a cold day but the sun was shinning and all the snow was gone. 

We seemed to drive forever today. We had a couple of bills we needed to pay and just enjoyed time in the car together. 

I did manage to get a good picture of our hospital. Nothing too extraordinary but 

they have sure helped me a few times. 

We decided we would grab a quick brunch before shopping.. otherwise we would have seriously spent more money! 

 So we agreed on Waffle House..

And it was really good. And fast. 

Scott got the patty melt. 

And before we knew it.. we were in the the store loading up our buggie..

Neither Scott or I wanted to be there but we got through it as fast as we could and 

loaded up the car..

And came home. 

I did record a quick 

and if you want to check it out.. you can click right here!! Grocery hauls are so much fun. I have many friends abroad who have never been to the US and they are always shocked at the kind of food we carry. I love watching other food hauls so if you are a blogger.. do a haul of your picks from the market and share it with us! =)

We pretty much snacked our way through dinner.. The boys had pizza and I didn't really eat. I worked on laundry and waited for the Season Finale of 

I can't believe another season has ended. SIGH.. They can't make this series fast enough for me. I love it! I made notes all through it and I am going to be doing a chat via Youtube in the coming days about how this ended tonight. LOTS TO TALK ABOUT! 

While I was in between loads of laundry while watching tv I was able to finally paint my nails. 

I should have a post up tomorrow on what I am wearing.. its pretty huh!?

I did get husby to....

fix the vacuum. But oh my.. was he bitching..

" I am not a vacuum repair guy"

" Lets throw the piece of shit out and go buy a new one. "

" I have no idea what I am doing "

" Plug it in "

" Damn, unplug it!"

" I'm getting all dirty trying to get this piece of shit put back together. "

" I am for sure getting back in the shower"

After he did fix it.. his tune changed..

" I am a vacuum genius! "

" I did it...its working now."

 " Say Thank you! "

I am just glad its fixed. Sure, we could have went and got another one but why.. this one just needed some love and maybe we will get another year or more out of it. I would rather spend our money on something else than another vacuum. No thanks!

Laundry is still not done.

I seriously hate it.. and now there is even more.. including 2 huge stacks of towels... all waiting on me to put it up tomorrow. 

I was happy to put 

fresh new downy scented sheets on my bed. I am laid up in my bed now and it smell amazing!

Its funny because all the cats must love it too

because they are right up here with me!

Its late and I need to get so sleep. I have been writing this post forever. I have folded another load of laundry, got Jacksons stuff ready for morning, picked up the living room, fed the cats, and now laying in the dark getting the munchies from this

amazing smelling candle. My entire bedroom smells like a bakery!

Time to start dreaming. 7:30 will be here before I know it. However, I think since tomorrow is Presidents Day.. and Jodi Arias won't be on the stand.. I am going back to bed for a while and starting my day a little later. Scott don't get home till late each night.. so I always feel I have more time to get things done before he gets home. I do a lot more in the evenings now. Speaking of Jodi Arias.. it will surely be Tuesday or Wednesday when she explains what happened on the day she killed her boyfriend. IDK.. I kinda like her so far. She seems really personable.. most people have said she was nothing but sweet. I just wonder what happened in the moment to make her do that. It should be interesting to listen to.

Tomorrow or Tuesday I have to run back to the market to get a couple things we forgot. I don't know how we forgot anything but we did! I really just plan on working around the house. There is always something needing to be done around this house.

Sweet Dreams. I hope you have a great week!

K Jaggers
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