Rise & Shine.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Good Morning! I hope you are waking up to a warm cozy house. I can't imagine not having heat right now in this kind of weather. The high today is going to be 39. WTF....and it suppose to be even colder on Friday. I am a little worried with husby home today.. he might try to get me out in this shit. 


And on days like these.. I don't even check the mail. Nope. But who knows.. I might be out in it.. against my will! =) 

It was hard getting up this morning. And if it wasn't for Jackson's winter ball.. I wouldn't be up. But I had to see him before he left. He was so happy that he got to dress up today for school that I couldn't miss it. 

But husby is just about ready to get him to school and then run some errands while I maybe doze back off! One can only hope right!? 

I have a bunch of posts that are going to start popping up. I like getting them up early so I can get linked up! Hope you can take a few minutes.. enjoy the fun posts and then link up your own if you like. Thursday and Friday's will always be my busiest blogging days..so get ready!


* Also my form on my contact page is acting up. I will be working to get it fixed asap! 

Have a great day.. I'll be back soon. 

Also if you are driving around in these fridit cold days.. make sure you have stuff in your car in case something happens. A blanket.. food.. flash light.. you get the idea. Most of the United States is having really cold weather.. so stay warm and safe! 


K Jaggers

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