Thursday = Lack of Motivation

Friday, December 21, 2012

Today the weather was yucky.. it was a cold rain with winds. It totally changed everything about my plans for today. It was hard to get started. So I pretty much said - what the hell - and stayed in my sweats all day long. 

This was how Romeo looked when I got up. 

Guess it was a late night for him too! 

I didn't get much accomplished during the day. Before I knew it.. 

I was sitting the car waiting on Jackson. 

Yea! No more school till after the New Year! What that means is NO ALARM CLOCK! Jackson is super happy about being home too and not having to wake up early! 

Once he got home.. I got busy making list after list of things we need to get tomorrow while Gabby snuggled up 

and watched. LOVE this picture of her! 

About 6pm I got busy in the kitchen.. I mixed up a ton of Sugar Cookie Doubh.. as you can see.. I wasn't too neat about it either! 

I made a bunch of these cookies 

but I am not too crazy about them so I made even more dough.. 

and plan on making more later tomorrow night. 

I also got busy with the 

Holiday Bacon Appetizers.. 

which turned out really well. I will try to get a post up soon of the step by step but its a Pioneer Woman Recipe.. super easy and really good! 

One more job done! 

Its 230 am and I have a busy day tomorrow. Scott and Jackson are both home tomorrow but we have so much to do that I doubt we will be home very much at all. I have some post that will be popping up throughout the day. So much to do between now and Sunday when we pick up Don, my mom and my sister . Then Monday Scotts sister and her husband will be here. I don't know how I am going to get everything done but I am sure going to try! If its not perfect that's ok too! Our home and lives are not perfect so we are just going to try to focus on enjoying time with our family and everything else will be just have to come second! 

Time for bed! 


K Jaggers

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