Back to Bed..

Monday, October 29, 2012

I am only up for a few minutes. Its cold and rainy here and I totally feel sorry for my husband having to even go outside in that weather. I don't know what woke me up but Jackson is still sleeping.. Scott just left.. and I am enjoying a very good 


tasting cup of coffee in bed. The downstairs was freezing too. I am so grateful for a life where I don't have to get out in this weather. I need to go to the store but I could stretch it till Tuesday if I had to. Its just a mess outside and we are staying indoors today keeping dry and warm. 

Even with Scotts help yesterday we seriously still do not have all the laundry done yet. I will be doing that and running the dryer should maybe help things out. I can't believe we are having such weather. Last night it was extremely windy.. and I bet if I go outside I will find a lot out in the yard. That stuff will just have to wait. And I am still thinking the weather has to be crazy wrong.. its still saying snow showers tomorrow......

Tuesday, October 30
Rain/Snow Showers/Wind
SunriseRise: 7:46 AMSet: 6:33 PMSunsetRise: 7:05 PMSet: 8:29 AM
Windy, mix of rain and snow showers. Highs in the low 50s and lows in the mid 30s.

Gosh I don't know which day will be best to go to the store. I sure in the hell don't want to be out if its snowing. I complain more in winter than any other time. When my muscles tense up and I start shivering.. I start bitching. I really hate being cold! 

Thats one of the reasons I wear a lot of sweaters. My husband likes some and others he calls - Old Lady Sweaters - but I love them all! I have a bunch but its just about time to go buy some more. 

I am going to lay back doze off for a few hours and hopefully wake up to a warm house. I have the heat going along with a small fire downstairs to keep things cozy. Then I plan on getting busy and get that laundry done. I am really going to be focusing in the living room this week. Since things have been a little bit crazy around here.. I am going right back on the Flylady system. It works well if you keep up with it and clearly we need a little extra help around here right now. So check her out.. he really does do a great job of giving you a very good plan to get your house cleaned up.. 

I'll be back when I wake up and warm up! 


K Jaggers
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