Wet Tuesday

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Afternoon! Hope your Tuesday is going well!! Its a wet rainy day around here. I don't think either of the kids realize that its suppose to rain all day.. which means there is a good chance the pool will be closed. Never know.. maybe it will be cleared up by then! 

We all slept in but again.. I didn't sleep that good in the morning. I laid around most of the am trying to go back to sleep but it didn't happen. So instead Jackson piled in my bed and we enjoyed many shows of Sponge Bob! Not my favorite by any means but Jackson loves it so we laid there together for a couple hours watching all his shows. There is something sweet about laying in bed with him.. he is such a good cuddler! 

Today I am going back into the laundry room and working hard to try to catch it up. I hate that job.. Did I mention I seriously hate it!!?? I think it sucks and if there was any job I could pay someone for it would be laundry.I use to pay people to take care of it when Scott and I got together. I had never been in a laundry mat before him and my first impression was it was a really good smelling place. It was so warm, cozy, and smelled like fabric softener.. Then I realized I wasn't there to actually do laundry.. I was there to drop it off. They took all the clothes and a few hours later they had it all washed, folded and the hanging clothes were hung up. HOW GREAT IS THAT!? I loved it.. and now I totally wish I could do that still. But that new washer and dryer in my laundry room pretty much stops me taking all our laundry to that good smelling laundry mat! 

Thank you guys who have took time to email me today. I receive e-mails frequently from people encouraging me and the things I write about, and I can't tell you what that means to me. Most of todays emails were about the layout of the blog and the new comment form on the Contact Me Page. I love that it is easy for you guys to now email me. Also that form will be on some posts when I am asking you to respond. That way  it will be easier to send out those emails! You know with this blog, I try my best to show the real - Kisha - and cover all areas of my life. Some people would prefer that I write only about cooking, or make up or kitty cats, or Kabbalah.. but I am not just one of those topics.  My blog is a reflection of me ... who I am in every aspect of my life.  My passion.  My interests.  My convictions.  My hobbies.  My relationships.  They are all mine, and they all make up "me".  I feel like you get a more true, whole version of who I am when I do write about all of these things, and not just one.  So keep coming back because you will get a variety of topics around here! Thanks so much for your kind words.. you guys are the best! 

Have a great Tuesday! 

K Jaggers