Just a quick goodnight being its 2am here. I am wore out and need some sleep but its just not that easy! I took a long hot shower - I know.. a change from my beloved bath - and then went to get Jacksons breakfast ready and when I checked on Brittany Belle.. who should have been sleeping.. had her computer open under the blankets playing a facebook game at 130am. I about died because I had told her to close it hours ago.. Soooooo.. her laptop is right here beside of me. I hate getting on my kids.. I HATE it. But its time for bed.. and she shouldn't be up this late. Instead of yelling at her.. she got up.. came to the kitchen for a snack with her mommy.. and a talk about doing what I say! =)
Today went pretty good with the exception of the car issues. But I am sure Scott will take care of it.. and in the mean time I will just get a loaner. Jaguars are not easy or cheap to work on.. so going to keep my fingers crossed that it gets fixed right.
Tomorrow Scott is golfing early.. with HIS friend who is not worth mentioning anymore.. but I will say that he should learn the meaning of..
Noun: |
But anyway, he will be playing in the morning and should be home in the early afternoon. Brittany was going but she decided at the last minute that golf was just not worth getting up at 730 for.. and being its a torment tomorrow.. Jackson can't go because its too hard for him to keep quiet!
Thank you to all you guys who have visited my grandmothers homemade fruit roll up recipe!! You can get to both ways of making it from the one post above.. and its great to make with the kids!! Thank you guys for making that one of the hottest posts ever! My grandmothers recipe was kinda vague but I tried to get some notes up on the best way to get it made. Its actually really simple.. and I was right.. the cooking method is the best! Thanks again for making that post one of your favorites! And I am happy that the step by step pictures helped some of you out making it over the last couple of days! I have more summer recipes coming your way so stay tuned!
Time for sleep!
K Jaggers