Long Day!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hope you are having a great Saturday night. Sorry for the lack of posts today.. I have been so busy..and I am not even done yet. I have a dirty kitchen waiting to be cleaned and I sooooo do not want to do it! The kids had a great time at the pool party. Husby and I went over and got them about 830 and Jackson was still in the pool.   I swear.. that little boy is part fish! 

While I was out shopping today.. I had a problem with my car... so thankfully its going to the dealership tomorrow and I will get a loaner until they get it fixed.. its some kind of problem with the gear shifter and it has to get fixed. 

I did manage to get some cleaning done while the kids were gone.. and also some shopping but I am exhausted tonight and I really need some sleep. But after the kitchen is cleaned.. I will be working on this weeks Beauty Steals and Deals and will have it up before I go to bed.. actually I might write it from bed! 

Oy! that kitchen awaits! 

Be back soon

K Jaggers