Hellooo Sunday!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Helloooooo!!! Its already been a complicated day around here. The kids were super sweet this morning and let me sleep till around 11:15. Woooo-hoooo!!!  Both kids came and cuddled with me for a while but then went on and had breakfast.. and messed around on the house. BUT.. Jackson decided to mess with the settings on our living room tv and it wasn't working at all when I came down stairs. Both kids were sitting on the couch.. playing on their laptops.. I couldn't believe how quiet and good they were being! Then I realized the tv was all jacked up. It took me over an hour to get the tv working again. But at least its working now! 

Scott is still on the golf course but I think he will be leaving soon. I am still in my pjs but I am going to have to get up and get myself cleaned up because we are heading out to the dealership to pick me up a loaner car until my car is finished being worked on. I hate that I am coming out of a Jaguar and going into a Nissan Altima. But at least its a car to drive. 

( OMG.. the electric just went off and came right back on. oy! I see what kind of day this is going to be! ) 
We have a new facebook headquarters being built and we have been told that we are going to experience power outages off and on.. But who knows if thats it. Its sunny out so I can't imagine anything else being the cause. Speaking of facebook.. I am thinking that would be the perfect part time job for me!! But I think I am going to have my hands full with Jackson and school this year. So not sure if I am going to be looking for any kind of work right now. 

This time next week we will be on our way home from New Orleans with yet another little boy! I can't believe that we are going to have 3 kids here.. little kids! I just hope that I am not pulling my own hair out with two 9 year old little boys and a 10 year old little girl! 

Anyway, I hope you checked out this weeks Beauty Steals & Deals! I got them posted last night and there are lots of great sales going on so be sure to check them out! 

Well I am going to be lazy for another 30 minutes or so.. and then get ready and start my day! 

Happy Sunday!


K Jaggers