Monday Inspiration..

Monday, June 11, 2012

Good Morning to you all! OMG.. I slept so good last night.. Thank you GOD! Well, I slept well till husby woke up for work. He's sick today.. not feeling good at all... and I think he should have stayed home. But there was no way he was going to do that after taking Saturday off. I feel really bad for him and wish he would just come home.

All the kids are up and all 3 just finished breakfast.. and everyone is bouncing around in my bed right now while I try to blog this! Oy! I think I have been sitting here for 10 minutes trying to get out one sentence! Anyway, things are going well around here this morning! Zane woke up and was happy..and he ate well, and is making fast friends with both of the kids. I was a little nervous about him last night but I think he was just tired and had wayyy to much junk food on the way home!

The kids are sharing the ipad.. I had no idea that they would love that thing so much. They have to take turns and each of them doing a really good job with it. I think today at lunch we are going to get into a pretty big game of Uno! I am really happy the house is filled with the laughter of kids right now. Don't get me wrong..quiet time is also great too some days! But we have a full house of kids.. 2 9 year olds and 1 10 year    old and its fun! I like this age!!! I know everyone thinks baby's and little kids are so precious but the big kids are funner to me!! I want them to grow up so we can have full meaningful conversations.. and them being independent enough to take showers on their own.. and help around the house. To me, its getting even more fun! I wanted a large family.. this isn't exactly how I imagined it but this is it! Kids every where and we have such a busy crazy, loud, fun, and loving home..and its perfect!

Wow.. my sick husband just walked in. Gotta go.


K Jaggers