Good Morning and Happy Wednesday!
The air conditioning guy is here doing his thing.. Thank goodness I had my alarm set for 930. Otherwise I might have just slept through this knocking on the door. However, Super Cooper barks and goes crazy when ever anyone knocks.. so maybe not!
It seems to be another rainy day here. So far, its hasn't rained but the weather guy says we will have rain this afternoon, tomorrow, and even on Friday. Guess its good because I don't have to go out and water all the flowers but I am missing the sunshine! And I am tired of running the dryer.
No big plans today. I am hoping to maybe run to the market later but that will be about it, if I even do that. I have lots of things I want to do around the house so I guess today will be working around here. A lot of people don't understand that being home makes me happy! Husby knows it by now but most people wonder what I do all day. I remember a couple years ago a neighbor asked me what I do all day.. and I responded with " What ever I want to do. " I think a lot of people wonder what I do all day when the kids are not here. Well, I stay pretty busy most days but there are days when I just enjoy doing nothing. Those days are rare but I love days when I can just do nothing except what I want. I couldn't live this way without the love and support of husby. He has always supported me staying home. I think he likes it better anyway.. because I can be at his beck and call anytime he needs me. And now with Jackson moving in, I will have more to do and less time to myself but I don't mind that either! I want to get his grades up so that will be the focus of this year.
I think today I am also going to groom the kitty cats and get them all cleaned up. May 6th is coming and I can't wait to go get my new baby! I even dream of him some nights! I plan on doing a post soon with possible names for him and let you guys tell me which one you think would be best.. and also have it where you can suggest a name too! I have some odd ones right now.. and I think I have the name.. but not sure!
I will be back soon! Going to take the air conditioning guy a cup of coffee!
K Jaggers