I didn't get that much time with Scott tonight. They didn't even get here until after 930. Wasn't too happy about that but thats the name of the game when there is a Super Sale going on at the Dealership. Its sell, sell, sell!! Scott has been working like a madman and is sound asleep in the shower right now. Thats his thing.. and after all these years, I haven't been able to change it. He just lays down in the bottom, turns the shower on and goes to sleep. I do like the bill running up but its a small price for him getting some rest. I don't know how he does it though. Its too uncomfortable for me to sleep that way but he sure can.
We did run out to CVS after he got home and I did get the $ 5.00 any Revlon Face Cosmetics Purchase that I was telling you about in this post. I plan on using it too! I might not get the deal that I posted about because I want to try something! I want to get a darker color of the Revlon Compact make up to try to contour with. But I am super happy to have got the coupon tonight! The deals that I post that are money makers or extremely low in price require coupons too. I hope by now if you are following this blog, that you are getting your Sunday Papers. I collect all the inserts.. write the dates on the outside of each one of them and then file them away by dates. For me, this system works really well. I do have to go through them often to take out the expired coupons, and also when I am menu and household planning. I do clip pet coupons ALWAYS because I like to have them on hand. I never pay full price for my kitty food anymore. If you don't have the coupons, there are still deals to be had.
Tomorrow I plan on doing some work in my bedroom. I have a ton of books and they are every where. So I have got to find another space for getting them organized. I have so many little jobs to do before the little kids get here. Plus I have a ton of calender work to get done too. So time to get busy around here!
Talk to you guys tomorrow!
K Jaggers