
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

76209418664003667_okdwzz8z_c_large that not the sweetest picture!? Adorable!! Late night hello to you all! Soon I am going to be laying down and trying to get some sleep. I have to be up early to meet with the heating and air conditioner guy. He is suppose to be here around 10am. Just in case you don't know.. our upstairs air conditioning unit is not working right. Its blowing.. just not cool air so he is going to get it fixed before it starts to warm back up. I haven't really liked having 2 units but the house is big and requires it. But I do appreciate still having air on the first floor even if its not working upstairs. I try to open the windows and turn everything off as much as I can but this house gets hot fast. So happy he is coming!

I didn't get that much time with Scott tonight. They didn't even get here until after 930. Wasn't too happy about that but thats the name of the game when there is a Super Sale going on at the Dealership. Its sell, sell, sell!! Scott has been working like a madman and is sound asleep in the shower right now. Thats his thing.. and after all these years, I haven't been able to change it. He just lays down in the bottom, turns the shower on and goes to sleep. I do like the bill running up but its a small price for him getting some rest. I don't know how he does it though. Its too uncomfortable for me to sleep that way but he sure can.

We did run out to CVS after he got home and I did get the $ 5.00 any Revlon Face Cosmetics Purchase that I was telling you about in this post. I plan on using it too! I might not get the deal that I posted about because I want to try something! I want to get a darker color of the Revlon Compact make up to try to contour with. But I am super happy to have got the coupon tonight! The deals that I post that are money makers or extremely low in price require coupons too. I hope by now if you are following this blog, that you are getting your Sunday Papers. I collect all the inserts.. write the dates on the outside of each one of them and then file them away by dates. For me, this system works really well. I do have to go through them often to take out the expired coupons, and also when I am menu and household planning. I do clip pet coupons ALWAYS because I like to have them on hand. I never pay full price for my kitty food anymore. If you don't have the coupons, there are still deals to be had.

Tomorrow I plan on doing some work in my bedroom. I have a ton of books and they are every where. So I have got to find another space for getting them organized. I have so many little jobs to do before the little kids get here. Plus I have a ton of calender work to get done too. So time to get busy around here!

Talk to you guys tomorrow!


K Jaggers