Sleepy hellos!
Hope everyone had a great night. Around here, we had a pretty good night. Easy night at that. We just ate dinner.. right in front of the tv and before long I found myself soaking in my big bath tub and soon after I got in bed.. and that's where I am right now. I took a pill because I was starting to get a headache and it sure made me sleepy.
Lots of new post up today! If you haven't checked them out.. just look to the right and you will see Recent Posts.. and that will take you to all of them! Or just click the - home - and scroll down!
No big plans for tomorrow. I have some emails that I need to respond to and I also have some calls to make. There were some unauthorized transactions on my credit card and I need to report them and get it fixed. I just hate having to be on the phone for long periods of time. Ohh. I also got the new blackberry in. Yep.. I have 2 new phones now.. Alltel's mistake! So tonight I have been messing with both phones and I really like the new blackberry touch screen but I think I like the one I have better. I love that there is an app for blogger on it! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT.. so when I am in the car traveling, I can upload pictures right to blogger and do a post right from my phone. Can't get better than that!
But.. tomorrow should be fairly easy. I might run to the grocery but that will be about it. I should clean up the house some and toss laundry around too. Its pouring down rain right now and tomorrow the high is suppose to be about 60. Its suppose to be in the low 60's for another week. I am so ready for it to really warm up!
This week passed by super super fast for me. I didn't get near as much done as I wanted but I am starting to feel like things are getting back to normal again! This is pretty much my peak time to pump out the beauty post because in the summer the kids will be here and I won't have as much time.. However, we are trying to figure out when their grandma's visit will take place. Mom and I share the summers. At first, i wasn't too happy about it but I know that the kids need to know her and spend time with her. So now we just break up the summer between us. Last summer, we went to Texas to be with them and then brought the kids back with us. But I doubt we will be going with them this year. Jackson says he thinks he will skip his grandmas but I really doubt he will! I can't wait to get those babies in my arms again! We miss them so much.
Well, its 2 am and I going to lay back, close my eyes and try to get some sleep!
Have a beautiful Friday!
K Jaggers
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