Happy Friday!!
I know a lot of you guys are at work right now... counting down till you are out of there! Just hang in there because it won't be long! Always on Fridays my blog #'s drop a little.. I use to hate it.. But not so much anymore! If you are a long time reader of this blog, you will find the new post and if your new.. there is always tons of new information coming daily. When I started this blog, in the very beginning I was so worried about numbers.. but now it doesn't matter that much to me. This little Jaggers Family Blog is a life of its own.. and numbers really don't make a big difference to me. But as time goes on.. more and more readers are coming by and I say...
You can always contact me though email at either
I normally use the aol account more than any of the others but I am slowly switching everything over to the gmail account. I love AOL but.. I want to change because I just get a lot of spam to the aol account. But thats been my primary email for years so its not going to be easy switching it all over. Both come right to my handy dandy little phone.. so keep sending in those emails! I love hearing from you guys!!
Boy.. this post has took such a long time because I have had call after call today. Husby is trying really hard to take me out of the Jaguar and put me in this...

I don't like it and don't want it but Scott says he can basically steal it and make money on it later. I am fine with that as long as I keep my car. He has called a hundred times and even hung up on me once when I kept insisting that he not trade me out of my car for this little thing. So he is not too happy with me today. Gosh.. having a husband in the car business is both a blessing and a curse at the same time. He is trying everything to sell this car to me. Everything.. and getting really pissed when I keep saying no. I am sure I will have to hear about it tonight too. I think he has forgot that we have a big family and a 2 seater is just not for us. I know him.. he wouldn't sell it that fast either. Sigh.. hopefully he figures something else out!
Well, I have a few things to do around the house.. but I will be back in a bit!
Hope your day is going good!
K Jaggers
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