I have been laying in bed reading my new book [ to check out my latest read, you can click HERE ]
I think I came up here about 1130 and I just looked up at the clock and wow.. its 130am already.. I guess that's how you know its a good book. When hours pass reading it and you don't even notice!
Husby and I both kinda just lounged around tonight. We both were kinda tired and in a lazy mood. I didn't even cook. I have a frig full of left overs and that's just what we ate. Scott and I both had meatloaf sandwiches. It was actually really good. I had some of those yummy left over green beans that I showed you how to make IN THIS POST. I don't really see wasting left overs. Husby is not too crazy about that kind of dinner often, but I like it. I am someone who rinses out ziplocks so I can reuse them.. wasting food makes no sense to me. I think if its in there, still good, we should make the most out of it. Grocery's are going up so high now that it's silly to just throw left overs away.
I am changing up weekend notes. I am sorry but that one post alone takes me many hours to put together. While I know you guys use it often, I just don't really want to suck up a lot of time with it. After a lot of thinking..I have figured that doing individual post for the sales, coupons, and Sunday Paper info. will be faster. In the next few days to a week or so, I will be making new stand alone pages that will give you a lot of the same information that is on the weekend notes. I will also be updating the page ~ Where to find the Savings ~ too that will also have some of the information that is found on the weekend notes too. The reasons for these changes are really simple.. This blog keeps growing and growing. I am one person.. there is no " team " helping me out with this site in any way. I have to do all posting, all the layout and design elements, and I am the one who has to reply to the emails that come in. While I love blogging, I have to find as many ways to be efficient as possible. So please just hang in there with me through these changes. One thing that I keep saying.. over and over..
The Sunday paper is a must if you love finding the sales on beauty products as I do and also for the coupons. The sale papers will tell you where to go and the coupons will help you save money.. even with the sales. If you use coupons on sale items, thats when you really save money. For a lot of the post that I feature on here from other blogs will reference coupons weeks back to match up with current sales. Not just for beauty either.. So, I will keep reminding you that on Sunday that paper is important. And you know, here's another thing.. maybe actually reading some of the paper would be good too. I think a lot of us go around without really knowing the affairs of our country, other countries, and the paper gives us a little glimpse of what is going on. With all the online papers and news forums.. plain old newspapers are becoming a thing of the past. It kinda makes me sad. I grew up with a family that always read the paper. My grandparents read it, my mom and her husband read it all the time. What I like about it besides the sale papers and coupons is the stuff about our city.. things that have happened and upcoming events. Anyway.. get those papers!! I like to buy mine at CVS because of the extra care bucks!
Another thing... as many of you know we are heading to New Orleans for Mardi Gras around the 16th of February.. We will be there for about 5 days. I will be working on posts now that will be published then. Again.. its just me so I can only do so much. Of course I will be blogging some while I am there but we will be busy so it won't be as much. But.. I do have the new blogger app on my phone and I can do fast small post right from my phone. I will be trying that out a lot too!
So much going on with this blog huh! All good changes! I have been getting more emails than usual... so that's part of the reason for the other changes. I do read a lot of them to husby and he enjoys hearing about you guys too! I am not too far behind on replying so please do think I have forgot you. I will have them all answered by the end of the weekend. I also have family emails to send out too. I think I could spend all day going through emails and still not get all caught up. I am moving my kishajaggers@aol.com email acct over to my google account kishajaggers@gmail.com. So if you have anything you want to share or talk about please send your emails to my gmail account. Sorry about this change but I am wanting everything switched to google. And just so you know.. gmail accts is the only email accts that lets you unsend an email. Love that.
Tomorrow I have more reviews coming up on some new beauty products and I have also been working on some more Today's Looks.. Its crazy how many have asked about those post.. so going to try to do a few more! I have some more fun tags coming up too!
I also have received a couple emails about my new phone.. I have answered the emails but I am going to get a post up of what I really think about it. And I have been testing out the new blackberry touch screen phone too. I will go ahead and say.. I prefer the Samsung Galaxy S. Its really handy and I am still figuring out all the things I can do with it. I am trying to move my calender over to it too. Pretty sure I am removing the Calender from the bottom and making it private again because its the one that phone is in sync with . I don't know if I will be able to totally give up my paper calender.. but I am going to switch a lot of stuff around. All this new technology is hard to keep up with! My battery is lasting all day and I couldn't be happier about it. In the end, my little blackberry wouldn't even hold a charge for 2 hours. I will be working on the review for the phone and have it up sometime next week.
I am not sure what husby and my plans are over the weekend. I hope for just a relaxing weekend at home together. Maybe a movie but nothing exciting! We have some things around the house that we need to work on too. I plan on getting up and getting the house freshened up and cleaned before Scott gets home. I have a big bunch of laundry waiting on me and my cleaning list is pretty long. But I want to do it as fast as possible and get it over with. Then the day is mine!
Hope you have a beautiful weekend!
Talk to you later today!
K Jaggers
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