Look at what came in today!!!!
My new Queen Elizabeth book!
This is a new 2012 book that just hit the market recently and I have been wanting it so badly! I know I could have downloaded it to my phone but I still love book.. books.. Is that strange?
Here is a peek inside..
Inside cover
Here she is looking over her fathers shoulder while he was reading some government papers.
Here she is laughing at the Braemar Games. You can see the late Diana in the picture as well as Charles and the Queen Mother and Prince Phillip is in the very back.
Here is her wedding picture.
Back of the book...
Super excited about starting this book. Like thousands of people out there, I am just as obsessed with the Royal Family. I mean who doesn't love them!?
I will for sure review this book when I am finished. It is a full 537 pages so depending on how much I am reading a day, I am guessing I will have it finished in a week or two.
Have any of you guys started this yet? If you have, I would love to hear from you! Email me your personal thoughts and reviews and I will be sure to share them along with mine!
Have a great night!
K Jaggers
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