Carpe Diem..

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hope you are having a great weeeknd!

I have been lazy since about 10am. I should have got myself motivated and started on things early around here but coffee, the news, and the couch was a very very lazy alternative that I choose instead! I really want to clean up the house today before husby gets home. I don't know if I will get it all done in 3 hours but I think I am going to get started and see where it takes me.

I also have some things online to work on too.. still trying to get my email accounts switched over. I am just switching over the accts I want. I could switch everything to but that would just send all the spam to my new acct so I just have to go one by one and switch which ever ones I pick. Then once that is all done, delete the AOL account. I think its a pain in the butt to switch but once its done.. I will be happier!

You will notice that the Jaggers Family Calander is gone from this blog. While I loved having it on here, I decided since I am using it a lot on my phone... and somethings that I am putting on it are private so I deleted it from this site. I think its a great tool and I hated removing it but I think its the best thing to do. While I do share a lot with you guys... not everything is for the public.. and that does include my online calender now. Its just because with my new phone, I am using it a lot more. You know what?? I bet I could run the world from this snazzy little phone I just got! There is so much on it and I am still trying to figure it all out but so far, I like it! It seems to be a really nice phone. I have been a blackberry girl for YEARS now and this new phone is an android and its a bit different to get use to.. but husby and I are both learning together! Its funny that we have the exact same phone except his is black and mine is white!

Well, I have a couple phone calls to make and then I am going to get started picking up around here. I'll be back later with some fun post!

Ohhh if you don't know what Carpe Diem means...

its Latin for Seize the Day!

K Jaggers

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