This post won't be that long tonight. I am super sleepy and should have already been in bed. I have been laying around reading some of my favorite blogs trying to catch up. Tomorrow is a late night for Scott.. so I have a little extra time.. which is good because I have to run to the store and pick up a few things. Don't need much but really need to go.
Today I barley got anything done. I have had about 4 hours sleep so once I hit that bed.. its over! I just have to make the coffee and put a load in the washer and I'm totally finished.
The weather here today was a mess. It was actually a little spooky..
Check out the video..
Is it just me, or did today seem a little erry?? I think it did and was really happy when husby came through the door.
I did manage to actually cook a little dinner tonight..
I went for something really good and really easy!
We ate and catched up on..
I think this has to be one of the best series on HBO.. I love it.. Just wish I could get season one on demand! Husby loves it more than I do!
Well.. I have a ton of post coming up tomorrow..I am uploading some pictures now, from Florida plus lots of other interesting post coming up too!
Ohhh. before I forget.. my youtube channel got a make over tonight.. Hop over there anytime!
To bed I go!!
K Jaggers
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