LATE Terrific Tip Tuesday!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

You guys know what was going on with my father in law.. so I am running a day late with this post.. But its better late than never!!

 Have you ever cracked open an boiled egg and it is undercooked??  Want a the egg in aluminum foil,twirl the ends and place it back in the it can finish cooking! love it...

Some more...Egg facts...

Rub lemon on the shell of an egg before placing in boiling water to keep from cracking.

Did you know...if you just Add a lil' salt to the water it will toughen the shell and make it easier to remove.

Now my very favorite fact...if your going to make deviled the carton of eggs on its side the night before...the yolks will remain centered while they are cooking...hmmm who knew!

And here is a fun one for ya.. in case you have never done it..



You have to use a shelled, hard-boiled egg for this trick. Try to get an egg which is free from cracks.
Find a bottle with a neck just small enough that the egg won''t fall in (a milk bottle, for example).




Egg in a bottle trickScrew up a small piece of paper and drop it in the bottle. Alternatively, use two or three wooden matches. Light the paper or matches, and allow it to burn out.

Immediately place the egg in to the bottleneck.
The egg will be sucked in, making a very interesting sound in the process!




To our minds, the egg is sucked in the bottle - but in fact, the egg is pushed in. The fire inside the bottle heats up the air, forcing some air out of the bottle and making the air inside the bottle less dense. After placing the egg on the bottleneck, the air begins to cool down again, and the air pressure outside forces the egg into the bottle.


You can get the egg out by increasing the pressure inside the bottle so that it is higher than the pressure of the air outside of the bottle. Roll the egg around so it is situated with the small end resting in the mouth of the bottle. Tilt the bottle just enough so you can blow air inside the bottle. Roll the egg over the opening before you take your mouth away. Hold the bottle upside down and watch the egg 'fall' out of the bottle. Alternatively, you can apply negative pressure to the bottle by sucking the air out, but then you risk choking on an egg, so that's not a good plan.

Hope you are having a great night!

And don't forget you can always click the picture

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K Jaggers
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