Sleep.. NOW

Thursday, November 3, 2011

This post is going to pretty fast tonight. I am tired with a headache so my bed is calling my name. It was a pretty easy night around here. Just hung out with Scott and loved on my kitty cats..Most of the time tonight I pondered all the things I didn't get done today..=(

I didn't get anything done in that spare room. I guess my bed felt really good today because it was hard pulling myself out of it. I got up about 1:30 pm to Scott calling asking me if I was ever going to get up. Um.. NO.. But within a few minutes I dragged myself out of the bed.

I went shopping and picked up a few things at CVS and then basically my day and night was over. I spent some time on the phone with Brittany and missed not being with her or her brother tonight. She is such a grown up little girl. Sometimes I feel like she is parenting me! But it was a pretty simple day. Tomorrow Scott works late so I hope, tomorrow I can work more on that room!

The house was pretty clean so taking the day off didn't really hurt anything. Thank goodness the laundry is caught up! Tomorrow I will also get the post done with the new liquid liner I got today.. If you want to see the haul you can click → HERE ← and if you want to see the swatches for the cream shadow that I got in that haul that post is right HERE  too.. I was actually surprised at how pretty the cream shadow was once I applied it to my skin!

Well.. I am taking some meds for my headache and some meds to help me sleep and call it a night.

Have a lovely Thursday!

Talk to you guys when I get up

K Jaggers
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