Time to Unpack and Pack!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Well.. we are home from our vacation!!! I am so happy to be here with the animals! So I am happy to tell you all that sweet Gabby had

KITTENS on the 8th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While we were in Mexico I called the vet and he told me that she had the kittens during the night.. all 5 were alive and doing well.. He also told me that he was going to xray her and if she had another kitten in her that he would give her 24 hours to have it or he would do a c section and get it out. The office is closed on Saturdays and I haven't spoke to him to find out if we have 5 or 6.. I am thinking 5!! Scott and I are soooooooo excited!!! I cant wait to pick them up on Monday!! More babies!!

Ok.. now about our cruise..

We had a GREAT time!! I took a million pictures and videos that I will be getting up in the coming days. We bought a ton of pictures that they took on the cruise too.. They came out really well and I will be getting those up first! It was a vacation like no other. We got massages on the beach in Mexico.. got pampered on the ship..ate like crazy...smiled a lot.. and made a ton of great memories! Last night Scott got rip roaring drunk and ended up with a terrible hang over today which was not too convenient for a 10 hour drive home. So I ended up driving much more than normal. I drove about 5 hours and he drove about 5 hours. We only stopped for food and gas so we made pretty good time. I kinda wish we were still on vacation because we have a lot on our plates right now..

This time next week we will be in our new house!!!! For some reason I believed that we had 2 weeks before we were moving, but in the middle of one of our dinners on the boat I was told we have 1 week till we move. So you know.. this week is going to be hell trying to get the house packed up.. We are moving on Friday and Saturday.. Oy!! Lots and Lots to do! Tomorrow we are going to go box hunting to get the process started. Omg.. I have so much to do.. I mean lots and lots to do.. Its crazy. But I am happy to be getting out of this small house. The new house is double the size of this one. So I am sure we will be much more comfortable!

More news.. We have a wedding coming up on Oct 22!! Laura.. Scott's daughter is getting married!! How exciting!! When we all went to Tennessee.. They fell in love with it and decided that's where they will marry.. and sooner than anyone expected! They have that beautiful little girl and I like the thought of them being married. I told her in Tennessee, that I am not a conventional person per say, but I believe in marriage. So we have a wedding to attend! Really exciting news! I am sure the she will as beautiful as ever and I am sure that we will all cherish the day!

And lets not forget that my friend Karen is having a baby too.. Due early May!! Super happy for them! Thank you Michael and Karen for taking care of the house and the animals!! I truly appreciate it and so does Scott! He was so happy to see Super Cooper and the cats! So thank you guys!! ♥

Well.. its almost 1 am here.. and I am tired but I do want to take a minute because this is the 10 year anniversary for the September 11th terrorist attack.

What a really sad day in our history. In the car tonight they had a song.. I cant remember the name but in the beginning of the song it was a little girl saying "daddy its been a year " along with more.. then the song continued and she started talking again in bigger grown up voice saying " daddy its been 5 years.. I can swim now, can you see me?" along with more...then the song continued and she said "daddy its been 10 years.. I graduated from high school with honors.. did you see me?' Tears were streaming down my face. I asked Scott to turn it off because it was so sad but he didn't turn right then.. I was crying so hard. It broke my heart. So tonight when I go to bed.. I will say a prayer to all the souls that were taken and for the souls that were left here. I am a little nervous about something happening tomorrow but all we can do is put it in Gods hands. I don't understand why some things happen but I really believe God knows best.. and I will follow his lead.

Well friends.. I am going to bed to cuddle with my husband and my animals!

Sweet Dreams.


K Jaggers
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