Sunday Greetings!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I know that its 9/11 and being that there are so many sad and heart breaking things going on today I thought I would share something a little more fun with you guys! This map is adorable!! Click on it to enlarge! There is so many good things about our great country and this map just gives you a few of the great things of each state! Love it!!!

Well Scott and I slept really well last night. Nothing like sleeping in your own bed!  I am busy trying to get all the ulities switched over so we can move. Its a big job switching everything over. But we have to get a move on it. Scott is in the shower right now so we can go find boxes, do some shopping for food, and get my car from the dealership.. We had a couple more things done to it so its waiting on us to pick it up!

Thank you guys on here, facebook and mainly through my email for your kind words about us getting home safe! Last night I was up till 4 am sorting through emails. I will try to get some of your questions answered soon but time is limited right now.. I have a ton of packing to do and I also want to start getting our pictures up from the cruise. So I'll do my best! My house is also in need of some love too. But not a lot of time to clean so I bet I will be over looking a lot of things!

Well got to go..

Husby is wanting me to get cleaned up so we can get things done.

Hope you have a great Sunday..

K Jaggers