I woke up tired today. I woke up a few times this morning from Scott, then the kittens and then Willow was busy pouncing around on me in the bed resulting in me sleeping late. I don't even care. I am just packing today so I am in no hurry to start the day. Which is good because its close to 2 pm.. I still have over 6 hours before Scott gets home. I should go work in the garage today.. I am so not wanting to do that. It might be a little while before I head out there. I am thinking I will start out there around 6 pm and in the mean time pack more from the inside.
I also have some laundry waiting on me to do too. I have let it go because I have been busy packing. But I have 2 or 3 loads that has to get done today. Husby is complaining that he can't find any clean socks!! Ha!!! Maybe he should check the dryer!
So I got some emails about the Casey Anthony's parents on Dr. Phil. I am so over that case. Yes.. I watched.. and really there was very little that was new. I think her mom like always is trying to make excuses and protect her. I understand that. Who wouldn't want to protect their child.. Her father seems to be coming around to the truth more than her mom.. Its just sad. And this time I truly feel that justice was not served. I don't think we are ever going to hear the truth. But thank you for the emails..As I have already said.. Its super busy around here and I just don't have the time right now to email everyone back individually right now..
I also got a really interesting tag in my email yesterday that I am going to try to get done in the coming days! Again.. I scan over emails on my phone first so feel free to email.. I promise eventually I will get to them all!
It looks like rain around here today.. I think it is suppose to rain a little tomorrow and Saturday.. Not so good for moving day but it doesnt matter if there is a tropical storm our there because we are moving no matter what the weather is. I remember moving with Scott in the winter one time so this weather will be just fine.. Rain or shine!!!
I have a couple more vacation post coming up today too. I will try to have them all up by tonight.. So be sure to come back and check them all out! Ohh,, one of the emails was about the camera I am not using. Thanks for the complement about the pictures.. The camera I am using is a Sony Cyber Shot DSC-W560. I am so happy to have it.. My other camera was so messed up... This one takes great pictures and videos! The camera itself is blue and its 14.1 mega pixels. I love it.. thanks to that great husby of mine!!
Well.. going to get started!
Talk to you a little later today.. have a great Thursday Friends!
K Jaggers
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