Late Night ☺ Hello! ☺

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Another great picture!!!

I'm a little nervous for the cat but I love the picture and that's a beautiful cat to top it off!

Well tonight has been a really easy night. Scott and Michael left work early to go play golf.. They didn't even get done till after dark..So I had a lot of time to myself. It was actually kinda nice.

It seemed like a busy day but it also seemed like it unproductive day.. Go figure!

I got these beautiful flowers today..

Such pretty colors..

Look at these..

aren't they just beautiful? They look painted..

I divided the bouquet up and put the pink and purple ones in my bathroom and the

yellow ones in the living room.. Another great picture of the night. Love watching Giovanni sleep.

Michael came and had dinner with us tonight. Its nice having him here. I am sure it gets lonely when you live by yourself.. We all ate really well and before I knew it.. Michael was heading home and we were heading to another friends house to visit. I invited them to dinner a few days ago but I wanted to go say hi anyway! We haven't seen each other in a while because we had the kids. And with us leaving soon for the cruise.. we don't have a lot of spare time.. But happy we will all be hanging out tomorrow night!

Scott and I were barley back home when we looked over at the dog and saw these too. I am not certain that Super Cooper doesn't realize he's a cat! This just goes to show you that cats and dogs can live in harmony!

I also snapped this picture of Gabby. I know you can't tell how big she is.. but shes about to pop. I am hoping the kittens come before we leave. I am boarding her no matter what. I just want her in a vets office because anything can go wrong with her or the kittens she is carrying. I love the kittens.. love the cattery.. but I hate doing this to her. I am 99 % sure this little dream of mine is over. I think I will figure out which ones if any I am keeping from this litter...find all the others good homes and end it there.

Speaking of animals..

Right now you can get tips on getting a disaster plan together for your pets.. Might sound silly but things happen.. Remember all those pets in Louisiana who were hurt and lost from their families when that big hurricane came through? Its a pretty good idea to get things together just in case.. You can click { HERE } to get their facebook page that has a ton of tips..


ASPCA Rescue Alert Sticker

You can sign up to order some of the decals to put on your windows or doors. The only thing I don't like is that you have to list your phone number on here but its on there and there has never been a problem.. But they have to have a way to notify you. God forbid you are not home and a fire starts. Maybe this would help fire fighters get them out.. We have this one the front window and back door. Ours is not updated with the new kittens so I am ordering more. They are free.. You can click { HERE } to access it.. I just think its important to plan for anything and everything.

Speaking of planning.. Still working on getting things ready for the cruise. I said I would post pictures of my dresses so I might end up doing that sometime this weekend..So much left to do!

I did a few more blog changes today. For what ever reason my dang twitter widget was not working so I got a new one. This one only shows one tweet and you have to click on the arrows to see previous tweets. The one on Twitter itself is still not working. If they get it fixed, I will switch them out again. I also added some new pictures to the header and also changed the font on the header. More changes to come!

I really have no plans for tomorrow except picking up the house and shopping for dinner for our friends and us. I have no idea what I am fixing yet but whatever stands out at the store is what I am getting!  

I bought this to die for chocolate cake and this..


is my bedtime snack.. Taking it right into the bedroom with me!

Sweet dreams


K Jaggers

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