Sunday Greetings!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hi guys!!!

We are the countdown for the cruise!!!! We leave on Saturday..So much to do!!! We don't actually board the boat until Monday but we are heading to the French Quarter to start things off!

Ok... so much to tell you!!

Lets see where to start..

Sorry for not blogging last yesterday or last night. I went shopping to look for a formal dress... thought I found one but wanted to look around today before deciding. Then Scott and I got into the wine..we had a great time.. just us 2.. and I woke up with a hangover around noon but some how baby pulled himself out of the bed early to go play golf.. I don't know how the hell he did it.. But that's sure dedication to the game!

We were just laying around watching tv and around 2 pm I got a phone call about the kittens. I had spoke to this lady on Friday and she was calling back to tell me she wanted them. Both males. I don't say too much but her story touched my heart and Scotts heart too. Her daughter and son in law and their 3 children were in their home on Lake Norman and they had a home invasion. I don't want to share all the details but her son in law was shot dead. Her daughter shot.. among other things but thankfully the children were not hurt. So she says with her daughter and grandchildren during the week to help to care for them. She is hoping the kittens brings some happiness back to their lives. Is that not the love of a grand ma? She was really nice and I felt good with where they were going. My heart certainly goes out to that family.. and when I say my prayers tonight I am going to put then in it. For sure..

We took off to head to the mall to find a dress.. I found one! I got the one Scott liked and now all I have to do is find my shoes and clutch to go with it. Its not a long gown.. I wear a lot of long dresses but this one is mid length. Its kinda a blue grey with just a little bling in the center. I will get some pictures up of all the dresses I am wearing really soon! I have so much to this week...I have all our packing.. Scott and I have a few more things to pick up this week.. But starting tomorrow.. I have to get serious and start getting clothes together.. First off.. I have to get Scott's clothes for dinner matched up with mine. Shirts..Ties..all of it. Then Tuesday I will get out causal clothes that we will wear on the boat during the day.. Wednesday I will be getting most of my make up and jewelry packed along with toiletries that I don't have to have until I get there. Thursday I will be getting the house together and getting things ready for the house sitter. Friday is more shopping for the trip and also got to get a mani and pedi. Saturday... I take Gabby to the vet to be boarded.. and finish packing our over night bag. Then once Scott gets off at 4pm  we are driving half way to Louisiana and then we will get into the French Quarters early Sunday Afternoon.. We will hang out there all night.. rest up in the hotel and board the boat on Monday.. I just hope we are not all hung over from our night in New Orleans. I will for sure be watching how much I drink that night.

Ohhh.. how I am going to miss those kittens!!!!!!!!!!!

Another thing..

Hi Danielle!! 

! I am so busy.. sorry I haven't emailed yet. I promise I will make time tomorrow! Hope you had a great weekend!

Well friends.. my house needs some love!


K Jaggers
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