Time for bed.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Monday, July 18, 2011

Well that pretty much sums up my life!

Its late here.. 2:30 am.. late postings from me is not uncommon at all; now is it? I have been working around here doing laundry.. getting the dvd player to work in Brittany's room. For whatever reason it has a mind of its own. Thankfully.. I got it fixed.. And now I am watching a movie trying to relax before heading to bed.

I did get a few post up today that I enjoyed a lot.. If you haven't checked them out.. you can click HERE to get to the calendar post that has a ton of great information on getting your life organized along with a fun post that I wrote..you can click HERE to see some forgotten tips.. Really its more of a fun post but I like it a lot!

I don't know what's up with facebook but on the Facebook Fan Page it updated a ton of post all on its own! I had been meaning to get them updated on my own because the rss feed wasn't working right but that seems to be fixed! Yea!!! Sorry about the trouble if you got over loaded with post! If you are not aware of the page.. check it out and click the like button so you are updated via facebook of new post! You can also check out My Personal Faebook Page and send me a request if you like. I update that one a lot.. All you have to do is send a message with the friend request and let me know you are a blogging friend and or reader and I will be happy to add you! I don't know how any of us live without facebook. I really think it has been a huge role in reuniting me with friends and family from the past. I know some of you are not on it yet.. and I hope that you change your mind. You can control what friends you have..who can see your information.. all of it. No one will bother you unless you add them as a friend. I love it! =)

Today I was still kinda in a funk. Scott says I have been grumpy for a few days. I know I have. Really don't know why.. I think its a mixture of things.. stress..tired..messy house.. tons and tons of things on my mind. But going to try to feel better tomorrow.. Cant make any promises but I am going to try. I don't want to make the day bad for the kids or Scott. Those 3 people mean more to me than anyone and I want them to know it and feel it instead of feeling my bad mood.

I should be honest and tell you guys that my days have started with me caring for the kids, the cats, the dog..Scott some days and updating facebook or this blog before taking a minute or two to pray and thank God for the new day he has given me and to give me the strength to handle the day as it comes with patience and love. I don't want to make this blog seem reglious in any way. I am totally not regilious. I am spiritual and I strongly believe in prayer. I don't really feel the need to get down on my knees and pray. I am sure many of you do.. I have many times..I was in Catholic school for many years but I think God hears my prayers no matter what position my body is in. So tomorrow I am going to get up.. and I guess hang out in the bathroom ( seat down of course! ) and take a few minutes to pray and center myself before the day comes and see if it helps. Most people who know me really assume I don't pray. I don't know why. Maybe because I was such a wild child but maybe 5 or 6 years ago I was watching Joel Osteen and he was talking about the power of prayer and something clicked. I prayed a lot since then and I strongly believe that prayer can really change your life and I think it can change other peoples lives too. I know God hears me..and I believe he answers my prayers always. I'd try it if I was you! =)

Ohhh.... my dang fan on this laptop is going out. It makes horrible noises and is driving me crazy.. I think I better be praying for a new laptop! Ha! No really..its really close to time to buying a new one. I just want to try to wait till January before making the big purchase. We have so many things on our plate right now that its an expense we just don't need. But I might beat the crap out of it if this fan don't start acting right.

Tomorrow I am planning on going through my dresses for the cruise. I want to make sure I like the way they look.. I need to buy a formal but I want dinner dresses. So that's also on tomorrows list. Can you imagine how many pictures I am going to take while on that boat!? Tons and Tons.. I am so excited about going! I am going to be on the boat with someone who I am not so happy with but.. like mom said.. its a big boat and I am not going to let anyone ruin that vacation of ours. Not anyone!! I am going to have a great time with my mom and Scott. Those are the two main ones that I am going to focus my energy on. I am actually looking forward to Don and his daughters too! What a fun time we are going to have! I think we have around 49 days or so.. Not sure on the countdown because I have not added the days up..but I know its not far off! I am also excited about seeing family in Louisville and I am just waiting to go play in Gatlinburg with Scotts daughter. Like I said.. tis the season for traveling!

Well.. Its 315 am and by time I spell check this and post it..its going to be 330 am and I need to get the coffee made and Jackson's breakfast out!

Sweet Dreams..

K Jaggers
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