
Friday, July 1, 2011

**** Yawn ****

I have been relaxing for a while. I must say.. it feels good to be caught up on everything and to just sit back and relax tonight. I have been done with everything since about 8 pm and it has felt great to just sit back.. watch with the with the kittens..soak in a bubble bath..and mess around online.

I cant believe the house still looks good. I have basically banned the kids from the living and dining room unless they are watching tv or hanging out with me. They have their own rooms now and all their stuff needs to be kept put up. For right now its working great! These rooms look really good..and I really want it to stay that way.. Today I got busy cleaning all the hard wood floors..getting laundry finished up.. Jackson helped clean up the bathrooms and Brittany helped clean out the entrance closet..

I ended up putting a ...

really nice slip cover over the couch.. The kittens are sinking their little claws into the leather and I am scared they are going to destroy the furniture.. I don't have anything on the chair or love seat yet but this couch is where the kittens like to hang out mostly..

Got this great picture of Willow sleeping!

Big boy was right beside of her..

Sleeping too..

But it wasn't long before the wild one woke them both up.. I got this great picture by chance and I love it! Be sure to click to enlarge! Soooo cute!

Scott had to work late tonight so we decided that pizza's would be great.. I had bought 2 kinds for us and one kind for them but at the last minute they decided that they were going to give prizes away to the salesmen and they also brought in some food too..


I only made one pizza for us and one for the kids..

I love these Freschetta Pizzas.. I love how thin they are!

This one has a sweet bbq onions..cheese and herbs..

Its actually pretty good... and I don't like pizza that much!

The kids had a all cheese pizza of their own!

Dinner was super easy..

And being Scott didn't get home till around 9 tonight...we ate without him..

Pretty good dinner and the kids loved it!

Tomorrow.. I have 1 load of laundry to do.. plus the normal stuff of making the beds and picking up but I think its going to be the first day that I really feel ahead of the game. You never know.. it could come crashing down on me without any notice.. but I am thinking maybe I will take some of that extra time and go exploring with the kids in the woods right next to our house. There are trails and the neighborhood girls told us there are water falls back there and how pretty it is.. So going to see for ourselves. if its not too hot!

I had a friend remind me today that I cant always go on a schedule with the kids.. I have never really been that spontaneous but for them.. I'm going to try! I also got reminded that in the end I don't want my kids to remember me always cleaning something.. that they want time with me. I totally understand that.. I need to really try to remember that the house can wait. I suck at that.. I am not a messy person..I like things cleaned up and in order and that does require some of my time. If I can get the kids to pick up more after themselves everything else would be much more easy! I cant help it.. I think they should help around here.. They live here right now.. they are helping make the messes so their little butts can get busy picking them up. Maybe the more I force them to do it the sooner they will realize the less they will have to do if they just do it right the first time! Their dads is house is not like mine.. He doesn't care as much about a clean house so they think where ever they go they can be messy.. But they are good little helpers when they try!

I hope you guys like the new look of the blog.. I did switch everything over to the right side.. I tried the left but I am right handed and this just feels better to me. I liked the black because everything really popped out with it but I wanted something more light and summery.. ( if that's a word! ) I am still tweeking it.. I know that some of the post that were posted in a light color because of the back ground was black may be hard to see. With my type A personality I am trying to go back one by one and change them.. But that will be a huge job.. Tonight I got 150 post darkened up so you guys could actually see it. This is going to be a very long process so let me know if you are trying to read something that is too light and I will fix it asap. Just leave a comment or send me an email!

So what do you guys think about Casey Anthony NOT testifying???????

I think her goose is cooked..The kids are learning so much from watching the trial with me. Its great to be able to teach them about our legal system. Soon this will be in the hands of the 12 jurors and I will be watching when they read out their verdict. I wont miss it for anything!

I'm tired.. Heading to bed to dream!

Sweet Dreams..

K Jaggers
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