
Friday, June 3, 2011

I love that June is here. Its always one of the best months. It warm and sunny.. Flowers and plants are bloomed.. Its perfect for sitting out on the front porch with a glass of tea listening to mother nature in all forms on a beautiful day.

This June is big for us.. This has been a season for traveling. We have our long trip to Texas coming up not this up coming weekend but the following Saturday..Soon it will be back to packing, driving and then enjoying a full week in Texas. I love my mom's house and last Christmas was one of the best trips we ever took. It should be a great time with the kids! I am super excited to get my arms around them! We also got other plans as the summer progresses with friends. We have a weekend planned to go back to the Biltmore for a weekend and we also want to go to Merdle Beach for a weekend with friends too. Busy Busy Summer!!

Well today.. has been a slow start. I made a great new friend through this blog and we have started becoming pen pals of sorts over email.. I sent her a email last night but I had much more to say so I got up with the things fresh on my mind and emailed her back.. and it was a long one! Then I found out that a family member got married without telling anyone and his father is really upset. So I have been chatting about that.. and now its close to 3 pm and all I have accomplished is time online and on the phone. You know, I say I could live without all the technology but I am not sure of that any more. I guess I could live that way.. but I wouldnt want to!  The computers and phone are my life lines. I think facebook alone has been so good to connect to family that is not close to us.. and friends. Its actually pretty wonderful when its used right.

I need to get up and get stuff started around here. The house is pretty clean but the beds are waiting on me to make them.. I wonder how many of you guys make the beds every day. I dont think a room is right with un made beds. However.. I dont make the beds on Saturday or Sunday unless we have company over. I dont like the beds un made but I like the couple of days off. .At first. many years ago Scott hated it.. He wanted his bed made every day.. Well.. he can make it on the weekends if he feels that way! Nothing is better than fresh crisp clean sheets. I liked sheets so crisp that I use to actually iron them. Not anymore! The dryer works fine for that! My grand ma Mary who irons all the time thought I was crazy for taking on that job.. If you have never done it.. I suggest trying it.. Its amazing how good your bed will feel when you climb under those sheets!

Well I have things to do!!! More post coming up when I take a break!

Happy June friends!

K Jaggers
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