
Friday, June 3, 2011

I am wore out. Its been a long day around here. I just got out of a bubble bath and I am totally wishing I would have got things done a bit earlier tonight.

Scott worked till 8 tonight and I had put dinner in the oven and wouldn't you know.. I forgot to turn on the damn oven. So at 930 pm we sat down to dinner. Sure happy I have a hubby who was understanding. I was starving by time we sat down and to be honest.. I didn't think it was very good. So got to get a bed time snack after I finish this post!

I got up all the post from Florida today. I also got up some new post with the kids in it. They are having a great time at moms and I am really happy for them. I will be even happier when they are in my arms!

I am going to try to get some " normal " post up tomorrow.. I really need to work on kitty post and document how big they are getting. I think you guys are going to be amazed at how much they have grown. Its such a joy to have them in our home. This entire experience has been life changing for us. I know it sounds crazy but its true. Just like when a new child is born, this is giving our lives just as much joy.. x 3!

Speaking of cats I stumbled across a cat show called ~ My Cat from Hell ~ on the Animal Planet. This tattooed rocker is suppose to be like this cat whisper and goes to homes kinda the dog whisper and helps family's with cat problems. There wasn't much that I didn't know after years with cats and after book after book but I found the show really interesting. I did learn a couple new things and for the most part the show is pretty good. I really was thinking to myself.. What in the hell are these people doing with cats? A lot of them didn't understand how to hold a cat properly or understand what a cat needs. I highly suggest reading some books if you own a cat.. I might just post some of mine sometime in the future because I have some really good ones. I love people who bring animals especially cats in their homes but I really think that if you do.. you should get to know the breed of the cat you have if you know it, and get to know general cat ( or what ever animal you have ) behaviors.

Ok.. after all that cat talk I had to post some pictures of my babies!

Here is our chocolate baby girl!
Playing =) Sooo cute!

She is just precious!

This is Giovanni Jaggers Jr. I think he is pretty cute too!

Our other little girl was sleeping sound..

But I woke her up!

and she is just a doll baby

Scott is just as in love with them as I am! I am so glad I found the right man.. I couldn't live with a cat hater or an animal hater for that matter!

Well.. I am going to play with those babies for a few minutes and then head to bed.

Tomorrow.. pretty much staying around here as far as I know.. And the house stayed cooler today and its cool right now! So I am feeling much better.. just tired!

Sweet Dreams!

K Jaggers
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