Day at the ~ Houston Zoo ~

Thursday, June 23, 2011
{ Just a reminder that a lot of my pictures were deleted.. these are from my phone and also a few are my moms pictures!}

We went in the afternoon. The temp was 109..I am not kidding.. so we wanted to wait till it cooled off a bit.. It never did..

When we walked in they told us they had no power.. A transformer blew.. and we decided to go anyway..

Mom and my Brittany

Me and the kids

Time to monkey around!

Hes hanging!

Getting a drink!

Thought this was really cute!

You know I love the big cats!

Hot and panting!

And tired!

Texas Long Horns ( I think! )

This is one of the prettiest places in all the zoo.. What was nice is.. hardly anyone was left at the zoo besides us and a few other family's. We saw many employees ( 100+ ) leaving too.. The electric out shut everything down.. But we were able to buy water..

More Monkeys!

And he is climbing!

Love this picture!

Another picture I love!

This is Jackson's favorite animal at the zoo..

I honestly cant figure out why!

Another one of our favorites..

One big happy family!

Picture of the day.. and it was taken on my phone!

Big Bird!


It was so hot. I thought we might just die.. Mom lifted Jackson's shirt up like this.. Personally I didn't like it but it was so hot that I was understanding..Plus not many people were there.

Brittany wanted her nails done like this picture was for the nail salon!

Big elephants!

Something magical about elephants..

Another big happy family!

Petting zoo..

Shortly after this part.. the electric came back on. So we took a break in the air conditioning and got something cold to drink!

I think this was the Perri dog area.. Mom found it first while I was hanging in the petting zoo with the kids.. She called me and she was in one of those little domes! I got a picture but its gone.. =(

Time to make penny's.. I cant believe I pay .51 for .1 but the kids always gets these penny's!

Trying to help them out..

I like the smashed pennys too! Why couldn't I have came up with this!

Mom loves these!


Just beautiful..

We didn't see it all.. We were so hot that we decided to head out to meet Scott and Don for dinner.. They went golfing but they quit before the 18th hole.. It was way too hot for them too..

Time to eat!

Had a great time!!

K Jaggers

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