I love this painting by Gregor Ziolkowski...He is a German artist and I love his work! This is the sleeping angel. I think its just beautiful!
Well..its pretty early for me around here. Its 1030 and dad is in bed and Scott is playing his game. They have to get up to head to the airport at 4 am . Needless to say.. I said goodbye to dad tonight already. He woke up sick to his stomach. He took some medicine that didn't agree with him. We all were up around 7 am.. Dad decided about 745 that he wanted to lay on the couch for a while.. So back to bed I went and he woke me up at 11 to wake up so we could go get something to eat. He was feeling better. We went to the mom and pops store right around the corner and grabbed some lunch. They have a little dining room and they serve the entire town.. Police, firemen.. they all eat there. The food is good and the prices are really reasonable. Breakfast is really good...but we were too late for it.
Then we came home...watched a movie and hung out on the front porch for a while.. Then it was time to get busy and get dinner cooked. Dad normally eats at 5 pm and we didn't sit down to dinner tonight until around 630. I hated starving him. But Scott worked till 6 and we waited on him.
Believe it or not.. Dad had not ate chicken fried steak.. So that's what I cooked for dinner...
It was really good. Scott likes to put hot sauce on his.. Its a meal that we both really enjoy. I still have some dishes in the sink from dinner. I filled up the dishwasher as full as I could and the rest can wait till tomorrow.. I normally clean the kitchen later in the night but being they have to be out of the bed at 4 am.... I am just finishing it up tomorrow. I wont look at the dirty dishes in the sink. I put a towel over them. It makes a world of difference for me.. It makes it bearable to put it off to the next day!
We took off after dinner to get an ice cream.. Came back..hung out and it wasn't long before dad went to bed. Scott sure is going to have a long day tomorrow. His day is really starting early. He is only suppose to work till 4 but you never know. They get busy on the weekends. and if its not busy then I bet he will be out on the golf course. I think he wants to play on Sunday too. I am sure our friends are going to want to hang out but tomorrow I am taking it easy on my schedule. I want to get things back to normal around here. Maybe we can see each other on Sunday sometime. I am totally looking forward to alone time tomorrow. I forget how much I enjoy it until I don't have it. I didn't blog today..or make calls or anything. I don't have my dad at my house often and I wanted to be really present while he was here. We had a pretty relaxing...laid back day..I was nervous the first day but today was much easier. He said that he will come again if they needed him to drive a car home. The crazy thing is... he wanted to drive a car but a plane ticket was cheaper. So he is flying..I had a good time and enjoyed him being here.
Today Gabby packed her kittens all over the place. First she took them one by one to under the spare room bed..Then she packed each of them into one of my closets.. then she moved them out of the basket to a spot on the floor! Its the cutest thing watching her pack them around. I hope to get a picture the next time she does it.
Just a few minutes ago she was in the basket nursing them..
Notice anything????
My baby kitten # 3 was sleeping in her tail.
So cute!!
Scott was in there loving on her too..
but the biggest kitty news of the day is.....
Here is the first kitten to open its eyes today!!!!!!!!
Scott was soooo excited!!
BTW...doesn't my husband have some beautiful hands!!??
Sorry.. Side tracked!!!
The other 2 kittens don't have their eyes open yet.. Hopefully in the next few days they will start to experience the big bad world! I love it! Watching all these kittens grow and develop is truly an honor for me. Its amazing.. And they have so much love coming there way.. Dad even picked them up and checked them out!!I don't have words for how much I love it.
Ohh..here are the pictures of dad from last nights dinner. He didn't know I took the pictures and he rarely reads this blog..He doesn't own a computer by choice and the only way he knows anything is when my ex husband tells him. So don't think he will know about this!!
This was at dinner the other night..
He is just a simple country guy...with total sliver hair.. This is the DNA that was passed to me that causes me to have to dye my hair every month! Thanks Dad!!
I love all the TVs above the bar..Plenty of stuff to watch!
Dad calling home to check in!
And finally dinner was served and dad was happy!
It was a good time!
As many of you know that some people believe the world is coming to an end at 6 pm tomorrow.. Well..if that happens...its been nice chatting with ya!!!!! OMG...I seriously think these people have the crazies..I should be home tomorrow at 6...so maybe I will be blogging at the end! =))))
The house is really quiet. I am trying to keep the TV down really low to avoid waking them up. I think in the next few minutes I am going to go run me a big bubble bath and enjoy my new copy of....
There are only 3 more shows left. That might be the end of my world...I don't know what I am going to do when she is gone. I just want her to tell us its just a big joke.. and she's not going anywhere. Its truly breaking my heart. I watch her network channel OWN all the time but I am going to miss her at 4 pm every day. I grew up with her always in my living room spreading her encouraging words and really teaching us all to be better people. Wednesday when the last show is over.. I might just stop breathing..
I plan on sleeping in tomorrow.. then got to pick up the house. Dad should be in Louisville around 11:30 tomorrow. I need to write him a note for morning. Never know.. I might be up.. But chances are.. I wont.
Blogging should get back to normal tomorrow.. I will also get to emails over the weekend too! I know I have 2 readers who have sent me pictures of their cats!! How awesome is that! I saw them on my blackberry but I look forward to really checking them out! Thank you guys for sending them to me!! Keep it up! kishajaggers@aol.com !!!!!
Well..that hot bath is calling my name!
Night friends!!
K Jaggers
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