Been a busy busy woman tonight.
And I am feeling it.. Its not too late.. I have really cleaned up the house and I have more to do tomorrow. The house has came a long way since I started. I wish I would have gotten started earlier today. I am setting my alarm and getting up some where around 10 or 10:30.. I am thinking my dad will be here some where between 3 and 4 pm. So that will give me plenty of time to get things finished up around here.
Right now laundry is going.. The kitchen is cleaned.. the floors are mopped and I just finished the bathroom. I have also been working on the spare bedroom. Not a room that is really ready for a guest but its going to have to work!
My errands took up a lot of time. I was at the dealership for 30 minutes or so.. Then went grocery shopping that took close to an hour. I was trying my best to hurry but time just passed by.. Our friends showed up around 630 for dinner.. We had a fajita bar and everyone served themselves...on paper plates. Yea..pretty easy stuff. I could have made it a lot nicer but it had to be done fast and something that was easy to clean up.
They left..Scott and I enjoyed American Idol.. It was a great show tonight! I love Lauren but I think she is the one going home.. Should be interesting tomorrow..I cant wait to see who goes home. I love all three of them!
Then my friends came back for about 30 minutes..They forgot something and I cleaned the kitchen up when they were here. Scott stayed in bed.. lucky him..I know its my job to keep the house but it would have been nice for him to help.. just a little. It really needed done anyway.. With a golden retriever and long haired cats.. hair is a problem in this house. I find it every where. Its just the price you have to pay with animals. They bring us so much happiness that its worth it. Right now Gabby is in the basket right in front of me with the kittens..she is cleaning them one by one. Its so hard to not help. What this litter has reminded me of. is to let mother nature take over. Gabby is doing so well with the kittens..Instinct kicked in and the more I let her care for them...the more impressed I get. Watching her pack one down the hallway to the bed room is adorable! I love every minute of it. Those kittens mean the world to both Scott and myself. He is always holding and loving on them all.. We are just as proud as Gabby is!!
I took a blogging break and took a fast in bed!
I am so shocked that tomorrow this time my dad is going to be here...sleeping in the room over.. Never in our relationship in my 35 years of life has he ever stayed in MY house. I hope he finds it comfortable!! I have been working hard to make sure its nice around here. I think the main thing is.. He goes to bed super early...830-900 pm. So we are going to be shutting things down early around here the next few nights. I don't know how we are going to pull that off. But we will try!!!
I wonder how many of you watch the Nancy Grace and is following along with the Casey Anthony case. Scott and I have followed it from the very beginning. Well right now they are picking the jury and something happened today and they closed the court down for the day and will be back tomorrow at 8:30. All kinds of speculation is going on.. maybe a plea deal..maybe the lead attorney for her is fired..maybe its nothing and some kind of personal emergency for the defense..who knows..Tomorrow/today is going to be interesting. I think she should have to burn in hell for what she did to her daughter. Its crazy.. and I think she is very scared..and I wonder what is going on.
I am off to try to get some sleep.. Tomorrow will come fast enough..
Sweet dreams
K Jaggers
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