Afternoon friends..
Right now its 1 in the afternoon and I still have things waiting on me. I did wake up on time and was out of the bed at 11.. But I was kinda dead walking around the house and haven't done anything yet..That is going to be changing in this hour..
Dad is making his way south.. I think he probably is a hour of Knoxville Tn.. Still expecting around 4 or so.. But that's just a guess. I called to check on him and he hung up really fast. He does not believe in driving and talking on the phone..He has tore into me at times when he realized that I was talking and driving..
I actually was laying in the bed at 830 and was watching to see what happened with the Casey Anthony trial.. They got back to picking jurors and there is no question that there is not a plea deal in the works at this time. Thank God.. I think she should stand trial and I hope that Jury sees all the evidence and puts her away forever. I don't know what I think about her being put to death.. I have never been fond of the Death Penalty but in the past few years I have wavered on that personal thought. I just don't get it. I know I might lit for this but I though OJ Simpson was going to fry for what he did. I don't think he went over there with the intentions to kill them but he did....and the jury was star struck.. but I think this case will not go this way. I hope it doesn't anyway...Its a huge case.. a lot to explain to the jury and a lot of evidence to go over. If she did what they say she did.. I don't know why she should be able to live. Its a crazy case. I guess you can tell.. I am pretty passionate about it and I can't help but to talk about it.
I need to go clean up the main bedroom and get a few things done around here.. Clean the cat boxes... put up laundry but it will be much easier than yesterday. I don't know how much spare time I will have with him here. I think my nights will be open being how early he goes to bed. I think we are going out to dinner tonight.. Scott is suppose to be taking off at 5 because he is suppose to work till 8. Glad he's going to be here!
Well.. I got to get things done around here..
Nervous about Dad getting here!
K Jaggers
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