In Honor..

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Crown Princess Victoria by Franz von Lenbach (Museum Schloss Fasanerie, Fulda)

Being its wedding week for the Royals I am honoring that big tradition of keeping it ROYAL for a few days!
In the above picture is Crown Princess Victoria. Love the drawling.. Love it..I am soooo excited for the wedding! I haven't decided if I am staying up all night into the am to watch it..The wedding is at 6am our time and coverage starts as early as 3 am. I think its important to watch because even though its not our countries tradition or history it still is history..and its important history. Many Many of the other counties have Royal families.. And I understand that we came over here to America to get away from that and to be independent. My great grandfather migrated here from Fance. to build his family a bigger and better life... I am just fascinated to know about as much history as I can get in my brain!

Well today started pretty late for me. . I woke up feeling really bad... took some medicine.. opened the windows and laid down on the couch where I dozed back off and at 3 pm I woke up realizing how late it was.. Not good.. But I can look at it like I am getting ready to stay up all night! =) But I tossed on some clean clothes, brushed my teeth, pulled my hair back and slapped on some make up. Now I am going to have to rush around here and get things picked up. Glad the house is pretty clean anyway! I need to toss laundry around and fold a load but as you see.. not a stressful day around here. That's why I feel blessed. On a day I feel terrible, I don't have to push myself. I can rest and take it easy. Another one of the reasons I love the life my husband gives me.

Well off to get some of that stuff done..

Ohh..forgot to talk about the weather... I was up till about 230 last night and it was raining. But we didn't get the storms that everyone was talking about. I think it died down before it got to us. No tornado sirens and I woke up to a beautiful day. Mom is still kinda on high alert and worried every time she hears the word tornado. But we are fine and looks like beautiful weather for the rest of the week!

More { ROYAL } post coming up today!
stay posted!!

K Jaggers
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