Still up waiting on the bad weather.. to be honest I don't know how long I will stay up.. I have all my animals in the bedroom and I am laying in bed as I type this. The window is cracked so I know what the weather is doing. But I'm sleepy! So soon that window will be closed along with my eyes!
Today was much better. I didn't get a ton accomplished but it was easier. I only ran out once to the grocery store.. The rest of the day I worked around the house...cooked a nice dinner and enjoyed American with Scott. It was really good tonight.. well..let me rephrase.. THEY WERE ALL REALLY GOOD TONIGHT! I have no idea who is going home tomorrow. Should be interesting.
I cant believe we are one day away from the Royal Wedding!! Soooo exciting! Its history.. and I love history.. I have read countless books on the Royals and love everyone of them. If you are new to the Royals I suggest you start with watching the movie The Young Victoria. I mean it really starts with her. Well her grandfather was George III but the royal family really grew from her. Its a great movie. One of my all time favorites.
Well tomorrow shall be pretty laid back too. Its a late night for Scott so I have a lot of time on my hands. So going to have a lot of time on my hands. Don't really have any plans except maybe to again run to the grocery store. Besides that its a day spent at home. Plenty to do around here!!
That damn black dog is back..It just came up on the porch and is winning out on the porch. Really have to watch out that Cooper don't run off with her again. Hes been staying put without being on his lead but now he wont. Back on the lead he goes tomorrow. I wish who ever owns that black dog would keep it home. Its a sweet dog but I dint want to take on another dog right now and she is totally untrained. We have yet to figure out where she lives. However I am sure Cooper will be happy to see her tomorrow. At least she is on our porch and has some shelter from the storms coming our way.
I know I should be sleeping but I keep thinking lately; I have been noticing just how comfortable I am being me. When people ask me questions, there is nothing to lie about. Nothing I have to hide. I have found the things I like on my own not because someone showed them to me or because I want to be accepted. I dress how I want to dress not how I am expected to. I say what I mean and read about about things that interest me. I wish I had known in high school how much all the social standards are not going to matter. I wont change for you or anyone else. I seriously am completely, through and through, Kisha. It has taken me 35 years to get to this place and without realizing it, I have really became more confident with myself than ever. Feel stronger than ever. Feel more loved than ever. Life really does get better with time. I think the 40's and 50's are going to be amazing! I keep filling up my brain with as much experience as possible. Nothing in my life is taken for granted and I will keep growing.. Life is all about experiences and lessons.. Not always easy but they make you who you are. Think about it..I bet your life has gotten better with time too..
Well.. its 230 am and I am going to lay back and watch TV until I doze off. I am trying to keep an eye out on what is happening with the weather. Its thundering now.. So I guess its starting. I am sure the tornado sirens will go off if it starts to get bad. They love to sound that thing around here!
Sweet dreams Friends.
K Jaggers
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