♥ Sweet Sleep ♥

Sunday, March 13, 2011

** Yawn **

Wow..I just realized how tired I am actually feeling right now.. Its been a long day around here. Not particularly a hard or stressful day just long. I feel a bit better today than I did yesterday. Really sorry once again for that " down " post. It was just a hard day. I am feeling better now. Just got to make the best out of it here. Believe me..That's not always easy..But trying!

The weather today was beautiful here. Its suppose to be even warmer tomorrow...So the guys ~ Michael's dad included ~ are heading out in the am to play golf and shouldn't be home until the afternoon sometime..We were suppose to go out tonight with our friends but Rick was sick and asked if we could go out tomorrow. So we stayed home tonight and might be going out tomorrow if he is feeling better. If not, I will stay home an cook..So I should sleep in and wake up to a quiet house that I love..

I have been working on some up coming post!!

♥ A awesome green St. Patty's day look! ♥

♥ Beauty Haul ♥

♥ Whats on the Menu ♥

♥ Still got to get that dinner roll recipe up on here ♥

♥ My new desk organizer that I am loving ♥

♥ A new Razor of love! ♥

♥ Garnier Reviews ♥

♥ Movie Review ♥

♥ More tags! ♥

And I am sure there are many more but that's all that comes to mind right this minute. But lots of great post coming up so be sure to come back! =))

The Giveaway ends on Sunday night @ midnight!!!!

If you have not entered yet....

Click the link below


Leave me a comment telling me what your favorite make up brush is and why and you are entered..

I cant wait to see who the winner is! Like I said..I will not be picking the winner. I thought it would be fun to have Scott draw out of a hat while I take pictures but I wanted to make sure its was completely fair with no chance of errors..so I am using a online source that will be for me.Should be very fun!! Click below and enter!!!!

Well I am really tired so I am heading to bed..

Hope you all have a great Sunday with your family and friends. Be sure to take a moment and remind them how much you love them and what they mean to you. Its amazing what those words can do for someone. So I hope you take this Sunday to recharge and rejoice in the love you have for your families. That is what life is all about..

Speaking of family..My mom leaves for Paris this next Friday..So wish I was going with her...That's why I am wanting my passport..I want to travel!! She will be over there for a few weeks.. I am sure she is very excited! I am excited for her myself!!

Right now its 1:20 am and I don't know exactly when the time switches over..I am sure we are all going to be a bit more tired tomorrow with loosing an hrs worth of sleep. Or maybe if you are like me, you will take that hr anyway! I have the living room windows open right now because it was really getting warm in here. Love nights when I can sleep with the windows open.. the fresh air always feels so good!

Sweet dreams..

Talk to you guys when I get up!

K Jaggers
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