Happy Happy SUNDAY!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hello friends!!

Hope you are all having a great Sunday! I am loving this beautiful day! The sun is shinning and its around 75 out side..That is something to be happy about!!! I love the warm weather.

~ Brittany belle just called and is telling me about the play that their dad took them to today!~  Now that's what I love to hear..I love when he takes time to do things with them instead of them always doing things that he wants! ~

Anyway...Scott, Micheal, and Michael's dad all went out and played golf today..Then they were at the sports bar playing pool and having lunch..Then back here they came to get the guns to go shooting..However, I don't think that's the smartest thing after having drinks at lunch! Lets just hope they don't come home with any extra holes than what they left with! But..Scott just called and said they are on their way back here. I don't know what they plan on doing the rest of the night. I think I will be staying home and cooking tonight..Only problem with that is, I have to go to the store..and I don't want to do that. Who knows, we might just pick something fast up for dinner. But the guys wont like that!

I worked really hard on cleaning the kitchen table today..Its big long wood table that seats 6 and I  LOVE it.. So today I took some wood oil and really cleaned the table, legs, and chairs. It looks amazing right now.. So clean! I don't really have many other plans except to work around the house and get things cleaned up and more organized. I slept late today so I will be trying to play catch up the rest of the night. I am working on Michael's Laundry...Guess what!!!?? This is the ~ Last ~ time I will have to do his laundry!! How cool is that! My laundry load just dropped 2 loads of laundry per week! *** YES!!!! ***

Well I am busy cleaning the living room area today!!

So back to work I go!!

If you are reading this and have not entered our giveaway click the link below! You have till midnight tonight to get entered! All you have to do is leave me a comment tell me what your favorite make up brush is and why and your entered! They are great brushes and you might just get lucky!

So get entered!!

Talk to you in a bit!!

K Jaggers
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