Monday, March 7, 2011

Yep.. another late night of blogging..Sorry..Its just the only time I have really had to blog the last few days! You know..its always nice to see how many readers I get when I don't blog much..the number always surprises me!! This blog is fully running I enjoy knowing that there is plenty of things to read about if I am running behind! So always remember to check out the archives!!

What a fun but looong day..Scott let me sleep in and woke up me up about 1. He also slept in..not as late but we got moving and headed out to

to get some yummy brunch!!


This group of ladies eating together really held my interest..I love seeing all women enjoying a meal together!

Then we were

back out and heading out to do some shopping...

We went to...

Dicks Sporting Goods
Walmart 2x

and finally we were heading home.. where I got to relax for a bit..But back out I take something back..get dinner and pick up forgotten items..With all that shopping I cant believe I forgot anything but I did!!

Among my favorite things bought today had to be...the curtains..

Here is before..

We have curtains but we never even got to unpacking them..But they are not right size so it don't matter but for months now we have just been living with the blinds..I am trying to make this place feel like home.


Here is what they look like now!!

Really simple pretty curtains.. I got them a neutral color so no matter if we moved or not , I could use them again.

I really love the top of these.. I love the double layer with the valances.. Scott says .......

"It looks and feels more like a home now!"

 ☺Love that! ☺

 I also got new ones for the spare room and also the master bedroom..Will get those pictures up sometime soon. These are Better Homes and Gardens..We were going to JC Penny to find curtains but I found these and really liked them. And for about 50.00 it made the living room look so much better!!! I will get better pictures when the tables are clean and when the sun is coming in just at the right time to make the room look beautiful with these new curtains! The only room in the house that doesn't have a curtain now is Michael's room..And he is moving out really really soon so we will be fixing that!

Its 2:30 in the morning and my mind is full of things I need to do tomorrow...

* Go to the post office

* Take papers to Social Security

* Go Grocery Shopping

* Clean out Frig..

* Cat boxes need to be scooped

* Bathrooms need to be cleaned

* I for sure have to go to that Rite Aid Sale

and the list goes on and on..

I have a lot of things to try to get done because Michael's dad is coming here this week..He will be staying with us till Michael moves out around the 15th. I think it will be really nice for Michael to have his father around. I know that they miss each other and I think they will have a blast being together! But no time to waste this week.. A lot is going on. One good thing is that this week is not the our week to clean the dealership. We share it with another couple that cleans every other week! So at least we are not having to work late every night this week. We start again on Sunday..

I have to say the past couple days were really nice with Scott. We always have a great time shopping! When its things to make the house look better, he really never minds. While I was at Walmart for the 2 nd time he worked on laundry, cleaned out the dishwasher, and swept and mopped the kitchen floor. Really appreciated the help. I am not to fond of anyone doing my laundry but I appreciate his help.He was just in a good mood wanting to get some things done that were waiting on me! That sure will make tomorrow easier!

Lots of post coming this week..Got hauls and reivews almost done..Got a great great dinner roll recipe coming your way...Got tagged with more questions that I will get done in the coming days..Whats on the menu..Today's look..2 Moivie Reviews..Still working on the updated brush post..

Speaking of brushes...My birthday is coming up and I wanted the ~ Professional Brush Set ~ by Sigma..Kinda expensive but that's all I wanted..So baby ordered them for me tonight for my birthday..Really I ordered them but from him for my birthday!! Sooooo excited!! Since my birthday isn't till the end of the month I didn't do any speedy postage..So not sure how long it will be here before they get here but cant wait!!! Normally we both pick out something we want and get it for our birthdays..Scott normally gets a golf club! But that way we both get what we want..Super excited!!

Well its late and I have to get to bed!

ohhh.. and dont forget to check out the most recent few post...Lots of great sale and coupon information..Hit BLOG HOME on the left top side and you will have all the post on the page!

Sweet dreams!!

K Jaggers