Monday, March 7, 2011

Hello friends!!!

Hope you all are having a great Monday! I have been trying to get things returned, exchanged, bought and get all my errands done..I got mostly everything done..Forgot to run to the post office but will do it tomorrow..But its been a kinda busy day Monday for me!

Next, I am going to be picking up the house, tossing laundry around, and work on dinner...I'm lucky that the guys are working late and I don't have to worry about getting things done in the next hour! I have till about 8:30 to get things done!

I am also working on a lot of post..In just a bit I will have my first give away coming up! I am super excited about it and I hope you all enter! Its the first of many! I have been working hard on coming up with ones that I would want to enter and this first one is a GREAT one!!! So stay posted!! I will have it up within the next hour! As you will see the coming giveaways will be everything from make up, to brushes, to books, to jewelry, cooking and household items, etc..Anything that I am loving I want to be able to share with you guys! Plus I am wanting to get to know you guys better and find out what you like too!

So I hope the Monday Madness is calming down for everyone. Its always a day of trying to get back into the swing of things..Sometimes that's harder than expected..Heck..Scott even woke up late..He never gets up late but around 8:00 this morning Michael has to wake him up..Very Strange..Guess he was just wore out!

Making a great dinner tonight. Super simple..Super good and and will really hit the spot with the guys! Will have it up on here tomorrow!!

Anyway, to get things going around here!

Stay posted for that give away!!!

K Jaggers
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