Away with Monday..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Oh my...

Where do I start...

Well today was ok..Not perfect but ok..Michael and his dad got a lot of stuff moved..They still have more to move tomorrow..I thought they were going to be finished up and moved out tomorrow but for some reason Michael is acting like he is going to be here tomorrow..Ummm..ok..I thought we were going to have the house to ourselves after tomorrow...but not so sure right now. Michael went back to work today for a 5:30 apt and his dad ended up hanging around..He kept dozing off and on in the big lazy boy chair but I kept waking him up working around the house. I felt bad but I had to get stuff done! He didn't seem to mind! He woke up and we ended up talking for a couple of hours while I worked around the house.

I ended up cooking dinner and letting the guys serve themselves..It worked out pretty good...Scott wasn't in a good mood tonight. He had a long hard day at work and I was complaining some which made things more difficult..I don't know really what to say..I think we need more time alone..I think we need our home back to ourselves..I think we need to make more time for just us..I think we need a vacation..I think we need to really spend some time just doing " us ". Without the outside world.. I just miss the nights when it was just us.. and I miss him.. The nice out going Scott. Not the grumpy tired Scott!

Another issue going on is one of the older kids having a problem right now..She is not wanting to talk to anyone or come around. I guess we have to respect it but that is not how family should treat each other. No matter how upset she is, it doesn't change the fact that we love her. I guess at this point all we can do is send her love and wish her the best. I hope that it will change and she will come around. I think we made a mistake with something and I would love to talk to her about it. Maybe in time..I think its unfair to just rip yourself out of your family's lives but that's her right. Like that's what we want. And until she feels different...I guess we just have to live with it. No matter how sad it is..=(
 I would totally go into more detail if it wasn't for Scott. I think if you guys knew what was going on...then maybe some of you guys could help us fix it..or at least give me some advice on how to fix it.  But for now I will leave it at that..But maybe more on a different day..

I don't know what is wrong with me tonight. Guess I am tired and need to get some rest. The house was actually pretty quiet tonight. By 10 pm everyone was in their own rooms either watching tv or sleeping. So that has been nice. I am hoping that tomorrow is better. I was really hoping that it would just be Scott and myself but I guess we will still have Michael here. So Scott and I will have to get that alone time another day..Which is also kinda sad..There have been times lately that have caused me to doubt that this will last forever. But I am going to keep trying and try to get things worked out with us..where we are both more happy. I guess I need to pray more. I need to do something. Doesn't God see that I am getting tired..That I need things to be better?? 

 ** Sigh **

What to do.. What to do..
 I just feel like curling up and just forgetting everything..
This is the kind of time I really wish my grandfather was here. I could curl up on his lap and he would always just listen and be there. He didn't try to solve every problem..Instead he just ran his fingers through my hair and let me know it would be ok. I don't have that any more. and I miss it more than anything.

I have got to cheer up or I will end up having sad dreams tonight.

On a brighter note..

I will have another giveaway up by the weekend!! Cant wait!!! Today we found out who won the

It was lucky reader and friend Christy T. !!!

I am super happy for her! She did all the bonus entries and was super happy to know she won!! She told me today that she never wins anything!! Soooo exciting!! Actually just thinking about this is putting a much needed smile on my face! It feels great giving to others! I love it!! There were a total of 59 comments to get the brushes ( with bonus entrys )...thats so awesome!! I hope in time we will get more and more comments!!

I am going to try to have a better day tomorrow..Today wasn't too bad.. Just wish I would have had a better night with Scott. But guess it cant be perfect all the time!

Sweet Dreams..

Tomorrow WILL be BETTER!!!!!

 K Jaggers

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