Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan has all been in our thoughts the last few days. I have yet to really say much because I am still processing all the shock and horror that happened to them. I am heart broken by the violence and devastation's caused by that earthquake and the how it continued to un fold before our very eyes across our TV's. So sad.

For those of you wishing to help, here are a few organizations that are getting immediate relief efforts to Japan..

You can donate $ 10 to the RED CROSS instantly by simply texting  " REDCROSS"  to 90999 from your mobile phone .

To donate $10. to INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS text " MED " to 80888.

To donate $ 10.00 to GLOBAL GIVING text " JAPAN " TO 50555

To donate $ 10. to the SALVATION ARMY text " QUAKE " TO 80888

If any of you guys have any other news with other organizations that you would like to add..feel free to leave them in the comments..

Our hearts and prayers are with you Japan.

K Jaggers

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