Saturday, February 26, 2011

* Today the sun seemed to set a bit faster. All day it seemed I was rushing around to get things done..I got a late start and never got caught up.

* I ended up loosing my keys and it took 45 minutes out of my already late and short day to find them. I never loose much and to loose my keys is strange..Even for me.. Found them in the back of my desk..

* If you were to ask my husband, he would tell you I was a bear today..I guess I was grumpy..Don't really know why..Just was..So it was not one of my finest days. But even though I was grumpy I L♥ve you very very much baby..Sorry..Will try to be easier on you tomorrow!

* Ran to the store today..I smelled cigarette smoke every where. After not smoking cigarettes for almost 2 months now, I can really smell it...So freaking nasty..And Scott is still smoking..So its kinda hard..I cant believe that's howI use to smell.

* I managed to get the dining room, living room, hallway and kitchen all swept really really well.In our house if you don't sweep every day the animal hair gets out of control. This time I used the vacuum on the hard wood floors and it worked really well getting all the hair up. I got the kitchen moped but stopped because I had already spent almost 2 hrs on the floors...Still need to mop the hard wood floor this weekend..

* I have been working on laundry for a while now. I put a load in the dryer and never started it..Ugh..So that also put me behind. Only 3 loads total so not too worried about it..

* Loved Oprah today..Diana Ross is ammmmazing!! And also loved her behind the show that airs on Fridays on her new OWN Network! Going to really miss her one day!

* The only thing I did not get done off my to do list is Bath Gabby..Guess she got lucky today but I bet tomorrow she wont be!

* For Dinner tonight we had Brown Sugar Glazed Pork Chops..OMG..Terrific! Will be getting that post up tomorrow for you guys. I loved it!

* Tomorrow I know I will be going at a slower pace. I always do on Saturday afternoons. I do want to work on the spare room, and the master bed room. They don't only need to be cleaned but I really need to work on decorating a bit more. Its still kinda plain around here. But that's really an on going job.

* This weekend Scott and I start cleaning the dealership..Kinda happy to be some extra money in the house. A lot of it will go for the kids..As always..But its only a few hrs a night, 6 nights a week, one wk on and one wk off. So I think it might just turn out really good. Plus the kids can go help in the summer too!

* I ended up taking off the Sally Hansen Nail Strips off. I love them but was tired of all the patterns..Going to look for some " calmer " ones.

* The weather was really nice today but I really want a long warm spring rain..

* I really want to get some of the winter and summer clothes changed out in the coming days .

* I got fresh sheets on my bed...That plus Ambien will make for a great nights sleep..

* But first going to enjoy a skinny cow treat!!! Vanilla Carmel Swirl Cone = delish!!!!

** Sweet Dreams **

K Jaggers

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