Saturday, February 26, 2011

What a neat picture huh? I wish I could remember where I ran across it but I cant..I just thought it was really interesting!

I laid in bed today with both Gabby and Giovanni, rolled over...looked at the alarm clock and then closed my eyes again and again..Until I really felt like getting up.. And who would have guessed it would have been after 2 pm. I just wanted to let my body rest as long as it needed. I am never in any kind of hurry on Saturday afternoons. But hell..Sleeping till 2 pm does make me move a bit faster because Scott is due to get off work at 4 today. Most Saturdays he works later than that. But if they have no customers he will be heading home around 4 pm..

 *** Yikes!! ***

Right now I am listening and watching a show on Showtime called

Bon Jovi : When We Were Beautiful..

I am loving his version of Hallelujah. I don't know if I have ever heard it before.. God..Bon Jovi is so timeless. I had posters of them all over my walls as a little girl...and I love them just as much today! What a life they have lived..Like I sad...

~ Timeless ~

Michael heads out today to go see his Courtney..Kinda glad too..Looking forward to spending a great weekend with Scott. I don't think we have any big plans. Maybe we might go out and grab some dinner tonight. But who knows.. I just want us to have a weekend full of laughter, fun, and love. I might be a grump some days but I can tell you its such a blessing to have a constant partner to laugh with, confide in, cry on, make laugh, share my silly ideas with, tell my stories to  and to wake up and to come back together at the end of the day.  I am so convinced that he is the one who I am supposed to spend the rest of my life with.
It feels really good...For YEARS now I have been very blessed in terms of my relationship. Little by little my life has got better. As the kids get older things are going to get more and more ammmmazzzzing.. I cant wait till I have teenagers! I am in all respects a really blessed person.. I am thankful for so much.

He asked me if I wanted to go out on the golf course with him, Michael, and Courtney tomorrow. Maybe..The weather is suppose to be up to 77 and that's good weather to be out there on the greens. But.. I don't know. I might end up staying home. I was really wanting to go when it was just Scott and myself. Who knows..I might go. Have to wait to see what tomorrow holds.

Well its super late..My husband could be getting out of work in about 30 minutes and I am in my pjs still on the couch.. I have only been up for a little over an hour..So first things first...Got to get cleaned up!!!

Talk to you guys in a bit!

Stay tuned for some new post today!!!

K Jaggers
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