♥ Dreamy ♥

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hello Friends..

Hope you are all having a great night. Tonight has been a pretty easy night. Scott wasn't feeling very good so we stayed home. We took a shower and went right to bed once he got home..Not to mention he was quite the grump! I ended up going shopping and came home and worked around the house. Mainly worked on laundry. Still got one more load to toss around before going to bed.

I decided today that I am going to switch up the make up situation in the bathroom. I am going to get out my black train case and make a kit that hold all my every day products. That way I don't have to dig for my make up.. All the extra make up ( which will be A LOT ) will be stored in the spare bedroom. And the train case can be moved bathroom to bathroom or its easy to pick up and travel with..So I am switching it up. I love make up. I will keep buying it but I am going to start really focusing on finding my true loves and favorites and sticking more with them. I am going to be working on it actually tonight while I sit in there and watch tv.

I have really been into throwing things away today..I filled up 3 garbage bags. I am tired of clutter. I want things gone that I don't use often. Whats the point in having all this stuff? I am tired of seeing the stuff that we never use just sit around and take up time and space in our lives. So its gone...I am basically going into every room and figuring out what we should keep and what should go. The master bathroom has been one of our biggest challenges. I have a lot of stuff and its just too much to have in there! So tomorrow I am going to finish that room up and its going to feel much better in there. Plus I want to decorate more in there and its impossible with all my stuff sitting around. I also have to work on the desk...again..My desk gets so full..I just have to get a garbage bag and start tossing things out. Its amazing at how fast things get piled up. Old mail, books, paperwork, kids artwork, pictures, etc..

My phone rang all day..Its started before I ever woke up and  all day I was talking to someone or another. Been a looong day for me..Glad tomorrow is here! Michael was trying to get me to go to golf tomorrow. I think it was so he could take Courtney and she would have someone to talk to..I wasn't really wanting to go golfing tomorrow and I am not too happy about Scott playing golf sooo late in the afternoon tomorrow. We have the dealership to clean and they are not even starting golf till around 1..That means it will be almost 5 pm before we head to the dealership and Scott is going to be wore out. Not how I wanted tomorrow/today to go. But who knows.. Maybe I will be happy working in the evening. It will give me more time to wake up tomorrow!!! Got to find the bright side of it!

; )

Gabby sure lucked out again on the bath..That really really needs to happen tomorrow. I am still having all kinds of trouble breeding those two. He is just so inexperienced that its just not going as planned. I am thinking she needs to be bread with a experienced male..Thinking seriously about getting another male Persian and or finding just a stud..I also think sooner or later he is going to figure it out and we will have kittens..I keep waiting!

Well I am going to fold the dry clothes and then work on my make up for a while.
Then head to bed ...and I will get pictures of it all tomorrow!

Sweet Dreams

K Jaggers
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