
Monday, January 10, 2011

Its a real snow day around here. The snow has been coming down for a while and we got about 4 inches of snow right now. It is still snowing and coming down pretty strong. For the Carolina's its not too normal from what I hear. This is my first winter down here and I have no idea what to expect. But I sure didnt expect this much snow. I cant believe I am up this early..How crazy is that!? But I woke up and have stayed up..Right now we are sitting here watching Ellipse. ( Courtney, Jake and me ) and just having a lazy day in doors..What else can you do when there is so much snow outside..

I guess all those people knew something! It was really busy and out of all kinds of things. But I got everything stocked up around here so I dont have to leave the house for a few days..Sorry I havent been blogging for the past couple of days. Its been busy around here and I have just been kinda lazy! My close friend thought something might be really wrong with me not talking or being online..But I hae really just enjoyed a quiet few days!

I have a ton of post to work on and get up in the next few days..Today I am going to be just around the house and enjoy another lazy day. I dont even think the guys are going to work all day..I plan on getting a few things around here but nothing major..I might do some baking too..But I think I will do that tomorrow..I am going to making that chocolate biscotti..It just sounds good..Perfect for coffee..

I cant believe its 9:30 and I'm up..Might end up needing a nap today..I am shocked I am still awake..I am going to watch this movie, take a shower and then do some stuff around here...I'll be working on those post too!

Anyway, I hope you all are staying warm and driving safe!

Have a GREAT Monday!

K Jaggers
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