A Special Gift..

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The day my old laptop fried out... I recieved this very kind gift from a friend.. I have been wanting to get this post done for a couple of days..

First.. a little history..

One day I got an email from a reader of this blog. It was one of the kindness emails I have ever got.. Since then we have been talking and devolped a very close relationship. We email a few times a week and for some reason our lives just found each other. We have very similiar lives. She is also a stay at home wife so we have a lot in common.

I was telling her how much I love tea.. but could never find a green tea that I liked. She is Japanese American and I figured she would know a little more about green tea than I do!

So she sent me this package??

I wasn't expecting it this soon and I was curious what this package was when I got it out of the mail box!

First.. she picked a card that she knew I would love!! The note inside was really sweet..

Look at all this tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

This is the tea that she along with her grandmother likes.Its tea from Japan.. She says its really strong for green tea. This bag is huge.. 100 teabags! Bet I end up liking green tea now! 

She also included these green tea bags for ice green tea. Scott will like this a lot!

She also sent me some blooming teas!

These are my favorite. I was going to send her some of mine like these but shes a step ahead of me!

I will do a post on the blooming teas when I can. I have been meaning to do one for a while but just haven't gotten to it yet.

Then she sent me some tea from her own pantry at home to try..

Strawberry Tea

Strawberry Pomegranate Red Tea..

Brown Rice Green tea with Matcha.. Cant wait to try this one!

And also some tea to help with that time of month..She says it doesn't taste the best but it does help to make you feel better.

And she also included some..

Perfume Samples!! Love that!!

Thank you so much for sending me these!

 I feel really blessed to have such a kind new friend!

Have a great night.

K Jaggers
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