Tuesday Truths

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Good Morning Friends. It's Tuesday so that means it's another edition of Tuesday Truths. Hope you enjoy! 

- Yesterday I ran so much after work. It was after 9pm before I finally settled down at home. I was so tired but I just kept going. 

- The late nights and early mornings is catching up with me. I totally need more sleep. I know I have to get to bed earlier to feel better in the mornings....so why can't I just do it?

- Ryan and I are thinking about just going to Nashville instead of Savanna. The weather is not good anywhere and it's so cold to be going on vacation. But we just want some away and alone time. I honestly can't wait. 

- I hate people who pull out in front of me when there is no one behind me. It happens a lot and frustrates me to no end. 

- Sometimes my kids are the worst at returning my phone calls. It drives me crazy and I have thought about turning them off but that kinda defeats the purpose. * teenagers. 

- I miss having a dog. I keep thinking about eventually getting a puppy. But I want to get out of this apartment first.

- I am still not liking my car one bit and I need to figure out a way out of it. I just need to save a few thousand dollars and find something with no payment. Then I guess, give the car back or try to sell it. It's just too big. 

- It snowed here yesterday and I haven't been outside yet today. I have no idea how cold it actually feels but the heat kicked on a lot last night. I hate the cold. Grocery shopping in it was awful. Running errands was awful because of the cold but it was still magical. Every time it snows, I always think of my grandma Mary. She loved the snow. I don't love how it feels but I do love watching it come down. 

Image result for snow gif

- Still can't stand Donald Trump. I just cannot believe what he is doing to our country in such a short amount of time. I will try to not be so mean about it but it truly makes me sick. 

- We have been house hunting for Laura and it's been so hard. I just want her to find something safe, within her budget and close. It's harder than one might think. 

- I hung out with my cousin for a while last night and really enjoyed it. Again....it's why I moved to Indiana. And we never got to hang out much before and now she is another vital person in my support system. 

- Ryan's ex still texts him...in my opinion she's just desperate for attention from him. I just let it go because he's in my bed at night and clearly loves me. Sometimes you just have to realize who you are dealing with. 

- My back has really been hurting this week. Just another part of growing older I guess. 

- There are still some days when I wake up and not recognize my own life. Who would have thought so much would change? The biggest part of it is I am still here going through each day. God has graced me with more time and I don't want to take it for granted. 

- I finally made it to the grocery store yesterday after work. Thankfully Ryan and Maekenzie were here to help bring them up. I really appreciated the help. 

- I need a new show to watch on netflix or amazon. Any suggestions?

-  Thanks for stopping by today! Later this afternoon I will be back to post a new food haul. Be sure to come back and check it out. Have a great day! 


1 comment on "Tuesday Truths"
  1. Thank you for starting your blogs again. I have been loving them. I have been watching a show called "When calls the heart" on Netflix and been loving it.


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