Hello friends. Happy Monday. I hope you are having a beautiful start to this new week. I am back sharing a new vlog along with a new week in review. I have done this for so many years that I just feel it's something I want to continue. Here's the vlog and more is below. Hope you enjoy.
A little more about my week:
This past week was I guess what I would consider a typical week. I worked a lot and I didn't have a lot of time to get other things done. But I am trying to get back on some kind of schedule. I have made decisions based on being a stay at home wife and mom for so many years. Now that I am working, my decisions are a lot of times different than what they use to be. However, moving back home means I spend a lot more time with family and friends. I think it was what I was craving the most after being gone so long. I actually get to go to preschool with Laura and spend more time with the kids. I get to see and spend more time with Brittany and other family and friends. I am happy to be here. I really am. It's what I dreamed of. I get to hear the grand kids laughter everyday. I get to see Laura, Brittany, and Jackson as much as I want. I get to see old friends and even make new ones. It's really strange how things work out sometimes. There is truly no predicting the future.
I am so happy that this week was a good week. Spent with good friends, family and even good wine from time to time. :) This French Lick wine is soooooo good. Try it!
This week is going to be busy, fun and exhausting all at the same time. I work some and then leave on Thursday to go on vacation. Ryan planned it all out and I think we are going to have a lot of fun. He works hard and I know he needs a break. I also could use a few nights of fun and mornings sleeping in next to him. I feel so comfortable with him. Probably more so than in my marriage. Again, I guess it goes back to us knowing each other for so long. He's really quiet sensitive and gentle. It's all about love. We all just want to be loved and he is no different. I have no idea where our relationship will go. I have stopped trying to guess the future after everything that has happened. But I am excited to find out.
Weekly To Do's
:: Clean apartment....it needs it.
:: Try to get more sleep each night.
:: Do laundry
:: Go to the grocery store later today...hopefully.
:: Don't forget the cat food and litter
:: Kiss Ryan a lot more...hug my family a lot more.
:: Clean out the frig.
:: Delete a lot of photos and videos from my phone to make more room.
:: Give Laura a key to the apartment.
:: Pack up for our trip. :)
:: Go through bills and pay what I can.
:: Clean garbage from car.
:: Start looking for Harper and Ashlynn's birthday gifts.
:: Call and confirm hotel and rental car.
:: Try to get in a yoga workout...TRY.
Here is some inspiration to take with you through the week
Thank you guys for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the vlog. Lots to do this week and not a lot of time! Let me know how things are going in your neck of the woods. xx
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