Shopping Haul | Aldi & Walmart | Video

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Hello and happy weekend to you all! It's a slow moving day around our home. Both kids slept in late as did I and we feel great today. Well....lazy but great! Yesterday I got busy doing a little shopping to get us through. I feel like we are going to need more for dinners next week but I will go again in a few days. I honestly didn't want to be out yesterday and was just in a hurry to get it done. I went to Aldi and Walmart. Hope you enjoy! 

Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out the haul. I love watching food hauls myself! Today I plan on catching up on laundry laundry laundry! We have a lot of it done but so much needs to be put away. Besides that we are just hanging out enjoying the afternoon! See ya soon. xx
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