Large Food & Household Shopping Haul | Aldi & Ingles |

Sunday, January 24, 2016
Hello friends. I hope you are having a wonderful evening. I am back tonight sharing a new food and household shopping haul. I was suppose to go on Friday but the snow came and I never made it out until today. I share our menu plan for this next week along with everything we got. Hope you enjoy!

We have another snow day tomorrow. I think it's too snowy and icy in a lot of neighborhoods for the all the buses to get around.  The kids are loving it! Anyway, tomorrow I hope to finally get that new camera that should have been here already. I don't really like filming with the camera I was using so I am beyond ready for it to get here. If everything goes as planned, I hope to get a review and giveaway up in the evening hours. :) I am however, skipping a vlog tomorrow but I should still have a week in review up. Hope you are staying cozy and comfortable while we all wait on it to warm up! xx

If you want to find me buzzing around online, here's where to go! :)
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