Hello friends! I hope your Monday is going well. I don't have a regular week in review post today because we are traveling so that along with a new vlog will be live on Tuesday! Be sure to come back and check it out. Anyway, I am back with a new Reflecting/Looking Back video and blog post. I love doing these videos because I have a bunch of new subscribers whom are not familiar with all my past videos. I enjoy looking back and reflecting and I hope you enjoy it too! I am going to continue to include this very in depth blog post with this video from here on out. Here's the video and the rest is below.
So with this new monthly video, I am including the reflections blog post. I use to do these on their won with no video but I thought they really compliment each other. :)
Seeing: not much in this dark hotel room! Sitting here at 130am working on this post for Monday!
Making: really cute owl ornaments for our Christmas tree.
Cooking: fast easy meals mostly. With our kids in school, dinner has to be done a lot earlier than normal.
Drinking: lots of sweet tea....need to drink more water.
Hearing: CNN
Wanting: tomorrow to go well.
Looking: forward to moving up north where all the kids can finally be together.
Playing: a lot of 80's & 90's music. I am sure I was driving the boys in the car nuts with my music selection but hey....it's my favorite!
Wasting: the days away when I don't have a schedule in my planner. I am a planner girl and nothing works without one for me.
Bookmarking: a lot of sites with homemade Christmas ornament ideas!
Understanding: there is very little that I can actually control.
Wishing: for the our life schedule to get back on track. I don't know where time is going but the days are passing so fast for me right now.
Touching: my hair a lot....need a cut!
Enjoying: watching Brittany follow her dreams.
Waiting: waiting waiting to move!
Planning: Thanksgiving. My family is coming so it's going to be a great time!
Liking: the brownies I made last night. I packaged them up for us here at the hotel and having one right now. Yummmmmmmm!
Wondering: when our lives will seem " normal " again. I bet not for a while!
Loving: Our kids. Each one is amazing and we are so blessed because of them.
Hoping: Our long car ride home later today will be safe, happy, fun and I hope the hours fly by.
Hating: what some people think of me. I don't try to bother anyone yet some people enjoy being mean and hateful without even truly knowing me. Part of being online I guess.
Needing: a good nights sleep.
Smelling: my argan oil shampoo and conditioner....just got out of the shower.
Wearing: comfy warm pjs.
Pinning: not that much. :(
Learning: calligraphy! Something I have wanted to do for a while.
Teaching: my kids patience and understanding.
Noticing: my husband is snoring and waking himself up. Gosh it's going to be a late night.
Tasting: that amazing brownie that I was just raving about! Need some milk.
Knowing: Life has it's ups and downs but learning to cope is the hardest of all.
Thinking: about this blog design. I changed it up some yesterday in the car. I needed something to do!
Thinking: about this blog design. I changed it up some yesterday in the car. I needed something to do!
Opening: a lot of bills here lately. Yuck.
Giggling: with my kids. They can be so cute sometimes.
Feeling: Sleepy! Gotta get to bed soon.
October: Good and bad but over all we had some amazing things happen with our family. However, we also got the flu bug around our house and the last few weeks. So that has been hell but we are getting better day by day.
Feel free to join in and answer the questions yourself if you are a blogger! I would love to read your answers....leave a link in the comments so I can come visit. Have a great day! xx
K Jaggers
Feel free to join in and answer the questions yourself if you are a blogger! I would love to read your answers....leave a link in the comments so I can come visit. Have a great day! xx
K Jaggers
Sorry people are mean online. The anonymity of it all makes it possible. I hope that whatever you are doing today is going well and you get the news you want. I read a comment on your most recent video about privacy and not sharing enough, but you know what? it's YOUR life. It's YOUR YouTube channel. Share what you want! The true subscribers that care about you just enjoy being a part of what you choose to share. Thank you for being so open, it takes a lot of courage! Blessings to you and your family, Kisha! - Maria Teton